maron (maron) Translations

ID Verified
Over 13 years ago
United States
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
maron English → Japanese
Original Text

Taka, your English is FAR superior to my understanding of Japanese -
and in fact, I know NOTHING of your language - which is probably quite
typical of the average American. Sometimes I think that a lot of US
people think that everyone else in the world should learn our language
and it is not important that we learn to speak other peoples language -
but just as this communique illustrates - it's important for world under-
standing and peace, that we all learn about the other world cultures.
Do you have any difficulty understanding what I say or type to you?

I noted that your email says "hand wash" and I am wondering if you
have something to do with a clothing laundry or automobile car wash?



あなたのメールに"hand wash"と書いてありましたが、洗濯もしくは洗車に何か関係したことでしたか?