manomano Translations

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Over 5 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
manomano English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Almost nothing we eat today exists in nature.
Take this carrot for example. Yes, this is a carrot. A wild one in fact, and possibly quite close to what the Ancient Persians had in the BCEs. This carrot is bitter, dry and woody, its roots supplying just enough nutrients in case times got rough.

Mother nature provided the prototype, but humans formed the final product.

Early carrots were grown for their leaves and seeds, much like their relatives the dill and fennel. But somewhere along the line, someone decided it would be much more fun to chew on its roots instead. So after a few odd centuries of furiously clicking the skill tree, this is what we find in 6th century Constantinople.






manomano English → Japanese
Original Text

Nowadays, the mighty Auroch ambles on in the depictions of civilizations past, like on this seal from the Indus river valley civilization.

Pigs are another example. The European medieval pig was half-pig half-hog. They were black and slim and much too cool for sties. Only half domesticated, they scurried around the forest floor and scavenged their own food by nosing through the thicket for acorns and the like.It took the introduction of Chinese pigs, which were bred for weight and fat, to turn these lean European breeds into the beautiful meat cylinders that we know and love today.

We exist because of the food we eat, but the food we eat exists because of us.





manomano English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

That’s why old fashioned hairbrushes are so soft and useless-looking…they weren’t designed to untangle or style, they were designed to remove dirt and soot and excess grease while distributing the rest of your natural scalp oil down, down down, through your long hair. The comb was for damage control and yes, lice (nit) removal.
Women cut their hair for two main reasons. Becoming so sick that they were bedridden and couldn’t take care of it…making it a tangled dreadlock full of lice. Or in extreme poverty, because wigs were very popular and a nice head of hair went for a good price (see Gift of the Magi).
And in both cases it indicated a woman was deathly poor or deathly ill. Not attractive.

