lyunuyayo Translations

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Over 14 years ago
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Science Medical
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

1. More investment in its SAP Labs in China.

2. Hire approximately 2,000 more people through 2015, as a part of increasing its market presence in China, with “five to six new offices across the country” to enable all that.

3. To scale SAP support in the region.

4. By greater outreach to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China, which the company says will benefit the entire IT ecosystem in the country.

In a press release, SAP’s president for the China region, Hera Siu, described all this as a significant, “increased level of commitment” in the country.

SAP says it has just over 1,500 enterprise-level customers in the country at present.


1. 中国におけるSAP Labsにおいてより多くを出資。

2. ここで2015年までに約2,000以上の人を雇用し、中国におけるマーケット存在感を高めるの一環として、「全国の5か所から6か所の新しい事業所」ですべてのことを可能にすること。

3. 地域のにおけるAPサポートを拡張すること。

4. 支援活動により、中国の中小企業(SME)会社が国内のITエコシステム全体の利益になると予測されること。

報道発表では、中国地域のSAPの社長、Hera Siuは、子のすべてが重要で、国における「責任のレベルを増加した」と述べ。


lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Some of you might remember which we covered about three months ago. The e-commerce start-up was founded by Tian Qiuyan, Angeline Tham, and Chan Chiou Hao in July 2010 and was already gaining steam back then.

It now boasts 40,000 loyal users in Singapore – and with the new funding, plans to expand its business regionally.

First stop? Malaysia. And it will operate a similar penny auction e-commerce model on a separate Malaysia domain — Check out our previous coverage here to understand more about its business model.

For folks who wish to get the latest gadget at a cheap price, you can check out And damn, another lucky guy has just bought a Nintendo Wii for just S$39.85…


我々が約3ヶ月前にカバーしたSold.sgを覚えている人もいるでしょう。 eコマースの新規事業は2010年7月にTian Qiuyan、Angeline Tham、そしてChan Chiou Haoにより設立され、その時は既に元気があった。

現在シンガポールおいて40,000人の忠実なユーザー数を誇っている - そして新たな資金調達で、Sold.sgは地域別事業を拡大することを計画している。

1つ目の計画?マレーシア。マレーシアドメインとは別の話になるが、同じペニーオークションeコマースモデルを運営するだろう ‐。ビジネスモデルに関すてより理解するために、我々のこれまでの記事をチェックしてください。


lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Besides bank defaults and credit downgrades, 2011 will be remembered for the rise of social media democracy in countries traditionally ruled by autocratic governments — most notably, the Arab Spring. The wave of protests that began in Tunisia in December 2010 spread first to Egypt, then to Libya, Bahrain, Syria and Yeman, with protests of varying sizes across many more middle-Eastern countries.

In regions where official media has been heavily censored for years, the rise of personal access to the Internet and social networks has meant that populist movements now have a voice that can reach the outside world.

Social Media as a Tool of Change


銀行の債務不履行と信用の格下げに加え、2011年は独裁政府により伝統的に統治された国々においてソーシャルメディアデモクラシーの発生を忘れない。 2010年12月にチュニジアで始まった抗議の波は、最初にエジプト、そしてリビア、バーレーン、シリア、イエメンへと、より多くの中東諸国で様々な規模の抗議行動でもって広がった。



lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Before 2011, ad-hoc events organized by social media had largely been entertaining and quirky, often put together by arts groups such as Improv Everywhere, which staged flash mobs in Grand Central Station. And let’s not forget the social media craze planking.

Soon, however, Twitter hashtags, Facebook groups, YouTube videos and Flickr streams would be employed by the masses in countries where censorship had traditionally blocked anti-government voices. Representatives of populist discontent were able to adopt and adapt new methods of communication to reach each other and outside sympathizers, often at terrible risk to their own lives and the safety of their families.


2011年以前、ソーシャルメディアが主催する特別イベントは多くの場合面白くて斬新とされ、Grand Central駅で偽りの報道陣をやらせたImprov Everywhereのような芸術団体によりしばしば企画されているた。ソーシャルメディアの流行を支持することを忘れるわけにはいかない。


lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Why is Facebook going public?

There are several reasons why a company typically goes public. In a recent paper by professors James Brau and Stanley Fawcett of Brigham Young University, the two outlined the usual motivations: To raise capital and to enrich the company’s founders and insiders. However, Facebook’s situation is a bit different. For Facebook, a better question might be “Why are they going public now as opposed to a couple of years ago?’”

One major reason is that private trading in the company is pretty much maxed out. Under U.S. laws, once you get 500 or more private shareholders, you have to publish detailed data about your company’s financial performance.



会社が通常株式公開する理由はいくつかある。Bringham Young 大学の James Brau教授とStanley Fawcet教授による最近の論文で、二人は通常の動機を次のように概説する:資金を調達するためと会社の資金と内部関係者を強化するため。しかし、Facebookの状況は少し異なっている。 Facebookにとって、よりよい疑問は「なぜ彼らは、数年前とは対照的に、今株式公開するのか?」であるかもしれない。


lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Private trading in Facebook as well as Zynga, Twitter and the pre-IPO LinkedIn also drew scrutiny from the SEC last December.

In addition to the feds, though, Facebook also has to content with a rivalry from Google+. As The Economist notes, “Facebook will want to seek a listing before rivals erode its lead in the social-networking sphere.”

Finally, going public brings a set of headaches, which we’ll illustrate in the next question.
What’s the downside of going public?

There are a few, mostly the loss of privacy and scads of red tape. Facebook will now have to report quarterly and annual earnings as well as more juicy information, like the amount of shares that executives in the company hold.





少しだけ、主にプライバシーの喪失とたくさんのお役所仕事がある。 Facebookは現在、四半期および年次決算、および会社株式において役職員が保有する総額といった、利益の多い情報の報告しなければならない。

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

This can be a sweet deal for the underwriter if the shares are underpriced and is considered to be leaving money on the table for the about-to-go-public firm. Another option, made popular by Google’s 2004 IPO, is to offer shares via an auction. It’s not clear which route Facebook will take.

Will this be the biggest tech IPO ever?

Definitely. The next-largest tech IPO ever is one for Infineon, a German company that raised $5.9 billion in 2000. (Google’s IPO, which raised $1.9 billion, is number six on the list.) Facebook’s will hardly be the biggest IPO ever, though.





lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

What will Tencent do to support young people in China start doing their business?

" Yes. Our focus for this year is our open platform. We want to open our QQ account system, the whole social networking platforms including our desktop clients and our payment channels to the startups. We do hope that we can help maybe a small team to realize their value on our platform. In fact, it works exactly like the early stage of our company who’d achieved development on the Monternet platform of China Mobile operator. We‘ve been through this process, so we are truly aware of how important an opening platform is for start-up companies."

The interview (by TechCrunch TV) below (with English Subtitle):





lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

"I believe there will be. I truly believe in it. Because I think that the so-called geeks represent an ultimate demand for the development of a thing or the experience of it. They need to seek the perfection. In fact, you will see that all the popular commercialized products and service are the ones who can meet the ultimate needs of users. Only those can succeed. So there might be such situations like geeks before commercialization. Once he has a nice idea, a team, and the capital to operate well, I believe there would be opportunities to make a product for everyone to wow. In that case, he would succeed."

