lyunuyayo Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) German English
Science Medical
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Want Made-in-Japan Android Apps? Infocom Has a Solution

Infocom Corporation, a Tokyo-based system integration company whose subsidiary is the world’s famous blog platform developer Six Apart, launched Japan’s first Android app showcase portal in English today called Tabroid. Some readers in Japan may be aware that its Japanese version launched one month ago.

The portal is maintained by Mediagene Inc who’s known for running Japanese editions of popular tech-savvy blogs such as Gizmodo and Lifehacker. The company has a bunch of app reviewers and bloggers across the country, and their blog posts will be published in the both languages from now on.



Infocom株式会社、その子会社である東京に拠点があるシステム統合会社は世界で有名なブログのプラットフォーム開発者Six Apartは、現在英語でTabroidと呼ばれている日本初のAndroidアプリの展示ポータルを立ち上げた。日本における読者の一部は、その日本語版が一ヶ月前に始まっていたことに気づいていた可能性がある。


lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

All those 645 cities together comprise China’s urban spread, and account for just over 611 million of its populace.

More Fun Than TV

The study found something of a milestone in the internet’s growth in China:

"The latest index shows internet overtook all other media as the most engaging. It has the highest engagement score of 77, followed by television with an index score of 73, and mobile with the score of 68."

That greater preference for the web is even more pronounced in China’s largest cities:

"The engagement index of tier one [city] consumers is 82 for internet versus 77 for TV, while tier five consumers indicated index scores of 76 for internet and 73 for TV."






