lyunuyayo Translations

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Over 14 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

ChinaStars, Turning Students into Entrepreneurial Stars

There are a growing number of incubators, accelerators and programs designed to help propel start-ups to success. There is Innovation Works, YuenfenFlow, Start-up Leadership Program in Beijing; China Accelerator in Dalian, TiSiWi in Hangzhou. All are trying to emulate the success of their U.S counterparts like Y Combinator and TechStars to produce billion dollar companies like Airbnb or Dropbox.

Trilogy Ventures launches ChinaStars

A new kid on the block called ChinaStars is entering the mix. Led by Steven Bell of Trilogy Ventures, ChinaStars is transposing itsmodel of focusing on top students from top Chinese universities into an acceleration program.



新規事業の成功を促すように設計されたインキュベーターや加速器、プログラムの数が増大している。Innovation works、YuenfenFlow、北京における新規事業リーダーシッププログラム;中国大連のアクセラレータ、杭州のTiSiWiがある。すべては、Y Combinatorのような米国側の成功を模倣しようとしたり、TechStarsはAirbnbやDropboxのような数十億ドル規模の企業を生み出そうとしている。

Trilogy VenturesはChinaStarsを開始

ChinaStarsと呼ばれる新顔が参入してきた。Trilogy VenturesのSteven Bellが率いるChinaStarsは中国のトップ大学の優秀な学生に注目して、アクセラレーションプログラムに配置している。

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

This is a move away from Trilogy’s typical university campus visits to find students entrepreneurs. The difference between Trilogy’s approach and other investors, is that they go the the super early stage – university students. It’s harder to get more early stage unless they target 10 year old kids!

72 crazy hours of hacking, 90 days of hustling

Firstly ChinaStars holds a crazy energy charged 72 hour hackathon to build a demo of a super cool social mobile app on the exponentially growing Weibo platform. Following the hackathon, the most promising teams will be invited to enter a 90 day acceleration program with 24,000 RMB and mentor support to help them focus on cranking out a killer app.





lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Not only are they meant to build the app, they need to attract users and mindshare. At the end of 90 days, ChinaStars will hold a demo day and invite a group of investors to potentially fund the best teams.

Beijing and Shanghai shoot for the stars (Shanghai hackathon is tomorrow!)

The Beijing hackathon was held on October 21st and Melody He of Trilogy Ventures said they were “blown away by their innovative ideas and ability to execute!” Six teams were selected to enter the 90 Day phase. Shanghai students will get their turn to impress tomorrow at Shanghai Jiaotong University Training Center. To check out the format of the hackathon, read here.


アプリケーションを作成することを意味するだけでなく、ユーザーとマインドシェアを引きつける必要がある。 90日の最終日には、ChinaStarsはデモの日を果たし、最高のチームに将来を見据えて資金提供する投資家のグループを招くだろう。


北京ハッカーソンは10月21日におこなわれ、、Trilogy VenturesのMelody Heは、「革新的なアイデアと実行力で吹き飛ばされる!」と述べた。6チームが90日フェーズに選抜出場することになった。上海の学生は、上海交通大学トレーニングセンターで未来を印象づけることに取り組むつもりだ。ハッカーソンの書式を調べるには、こちらを読んでください。

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Get cultured quickly

Once here, foreign entrepreneurs have to navigate a tangled web of strange cultural and political factors. I believe most of us have heard stories of things happening, but until you come and see for yourself, you can’t really grasp it. Gai raises some good points that I have been puzzled by before, but over time realized why. Here are some that I have elaborated on from my own perspective:

1. Censorship – a level playing field?

When foreigners accustomed to internet freedom come to China, they soon realize it is no longer like that. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter are all blocked. In my view, the main reason is protectionism from two angles.




1.検閲 - 平等競争場?

外国人がインターネットで自由に中国に来るのに慣れたとき、すぐにそうではないと実感する。 FacebookやYouTube、Twitterはすべてブロックされる。私の意見では、主な理由は2つの角度からの保護主義である。

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Chinese prefer instant messaging over email

When I first was exposed to internet, I had an email account and ICQ, an instant messaging system. However in China, it seems that Tencent’s instant messenger, QQ, is the key denominator. They should probably give Chinese people a QQ number with their birth certificate since everyone has one, including businesses! I’ve also experienced slow email response from some Chinese people and I couldn’t understand why until my Chinese friend said people don’t really use email that much here.

3. Ugly crammed websites are more preferred than clean Web 2.0 ones


2. 中国人は電子メール以上にインスタントメッセージを好む


3. 見苦しく詰め込まれたウェブサイトが、すっきりしたWeb 2.0よりもより好まれる

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Founded in September 2010, Jiuxian has raised US$ 20 million in first round in this April . The vertical offers wine, white spirit, high-grade beer, wine set and so on. With a sales target of over US$ 78 million for this year and a target to generate north of US$ 1.5 billion in sales in the next three years, Jiuxian is planning to go public in 2014 in the States or in Hong Kong.

One of its arch rivals, Yesmywine raised US$40 miilion in a Series C financing led by Chengwei Capital this May. The Shanghai-based company has raised over US$53 million since its launch in late 2008, US$3 million for the Series A by DCM and US$10 million for Series B led by Mandra Capital.



アーチライバルの一つ、Yesmywineはこの5月にChengwei Capital主導の資金調達シリーズCにおいて4千万USドルを調達した。上海に本社を置く同社は2008年後半に立ち上げて以来5300万USドル以上を調達し、DCMによるシリーズAで300万USドル、Mandra CapitalによるシリーズBで1,000万USドルを調達している。

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Perhaps most notable are the statistics given for mobile and 3G users in Asia. As we’ve stated many times, China’s mobile numbers are pretty well off the charts with 900 million mobile users. But China still has less 3G users than neighboring Japan (4 percent penetration in China versus ’97 or 98 percent’ in Japan) due to the difference in network infrastructure, which makes the two markets very different as Chen Qi explains in the talk.

They also touch on smartphone market share, and for Japan, this is a number I’ve been trying to find reliable figures on for a while. Again, I’m not sure of its source, but Spil says smartphone market share is about 10-15 percent, with over 10 million users in Japan.


おそらく最も注目すべきことは、アジアにおけるモバイルと3Gユーザーにとっての統計である。何度も述べたように、中国のモバイル使用者数はは9億人モバイルユーザーがいる図でかなり良い。しかしChen Qi が話の中で説明するように、中国と日本の2つの市場は非常に異なっているネットワークインフラストラクチャの違いため中国はまだ3Gユーザーが隣国日本より少ない(中国4%対日本97なたは98%)のである。
