lyunuyayo Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) German English
Science Medical
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

The timepiece features a high quality Swiss made high precision 3 jewel Quartz Movement (ETA caliber F06.111) designed to withstand high G-forces and has a magnetic resistance of 1500 A/m. It has a end of battery life indicator feature as well. The watch is water resistant to 6 ATM (196 Ft) but is not a diving watch so continuous water immersion is not recommended. It is designed for maintaining accuracy at high altitude to 35,000 FT without compensating pressurization. This is the authentic 1st quality military item and not the commercial, military style "Navy Seals" watch available to the general public marketed by Luminox nor the watches manufactured by MB-Microtec (Mil-W-46374F copies).


時計は、高品質スイス製高精度3宝石クォーツムーブメント(ETAキャリバーF06.111)高Gの力に耐えるように設計され、1500 A/mの磁気抵抗を持ちます。バッテリ寿命のインジケータ機能があります。時計は6 ATM(196フィート)防水ですが、連続して浸水することを推奨していないため、ダイバーズウォッチではありません。補償加圧なしで高度35,000フィートまで精度を維持するように設計されています。これは本物の第一級軍事アイテムであり、市販品やLuminoxにより一般向けに販売されているミリタリースタイルの「ネイビーシール」時計でもMB Microtec製の腕時計(MIL - W-46374Fのコピー)でもありません。

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Website Right Now

The Digital Marketing Series is supported by HubSpot, an inbound marketing software company based in Cambridge, MA, that makes a full platform of marketing software, including lead generation tools.

First, the good news: If you have a website, then you have a site that can be accessed by any mobile device with a browser. Now, the bad: Chances are, that site looks pretty crappy on said mobile device.

If you’re worried about this, you’re not alone. Just as companies realized, circa 1996, that they needed to create a website to remain relevant to consumers, history is repeating itself in mobile.






lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

By 2013, more people will use mobile phones than PCs to get online, according to Gartner. In mid-2011, we also reached the point at which consumers were spending more time on their mobile devices than on their PCs.

In such an environment, a site designed to be viewed on a desktop PC comes across as woefully lacking. Say you’re accessing such a site from the Safari browser on your iPhone. The first thing you’re likely to notice is that it takes a relatively long time to load. The second thing is that the type on the page is pretty small. It might take a lot of zooming and pinching to navigate the site as well. If you have Flash on your site, it’s not going to come across at all on an iPhone.




lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

In part, that’s because Google has stepped in. The company is eager to expand its online advertising empire further into mobile. With an eye towards “growing the mobile ecosystem” as Haines puts it, Google last month launched GoMo, an initiative that aims to help businesses go mobile.

Google’s is a clearinghouse of information on the topic and even includes a feature that lets you see how your site looks on a mobile device.

For those looking for a quick fix, Google provides a list of companies that will build your mobile site for you, and you can specify what you want to spend. Haines says that you can get up and running for as little as $100 a year.


一部分は、Googleが踏み込んだからだ。同社はさらにオンライン広告の帝国をモバイルに拡大することに力を入れている。Haines が言ったように、「成長するモバイルエコシステム」に目を向けて、Googleは先月、モバイルビジネスを支援することを目的とする戦略のGoMoを立ち上げた。



lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Jim Dadaos, the owner of the shop, says his web developer told him a few months back that he needed to get a mobile site “because that’s where everything is going.” Dadaos’s developer contacted DudaMobile, which created the site “within a very short time” and it’s been up and running for six months. During that time Dadaos says he’s seen a 20% spike in business. “During these times, the auto repair business is sucking, so that’s significant,” he says.

Mink and Haines offer a few tips for building a good mobile website. One thing to consider is whether your site is what Haines calls “thumb-friendly.” What that means in practice is lots of big, fat buttons.


ショップオーナーJim Dadaosは、ウェブ開発者が数ヶ月前、「すべて大丈夫だから」とモバイルサイトを取得する必要があることを言っていたと言う。Dadaosの開発者は「非常に短い期間で」サイトを作成し、アップして6カ月運営しているDudaMobileに連絡を取った。その間Dadaosは、ビジネスは20%の急上昇に見えると言う。「これらの期間中、自動車修理事業は駆け出しだが、重要なことだ」と彼は言う。
