lyunuyayo Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) German English
Science Medical
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese Startup Phroni Delivers a Smarter Smartphone Browsing Experience

I’m a big fan of research tools, but I rarely do any research on a mobile browser because the experience is just not a pleasant one. Simple tasks like word selection or copy/paste can be tedious on a mobile device. But Japanese startup Phroni aims to help solve this problem, by converting multi-step tasks [1] and cutting the process down into one.

Currently what Phroni does is to analyze the text in your browser and convert certain words phrases into Wikipedia links, which you can use to explore more information. After that, you can further explore via the toolbar across services like Twitter, Google Images, or YouTube.





lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

The team is made up of Ikuya Yamada, who says he has been a programmer since his junior high days. He is also the former CTO of Fractalist, which IPOd in 2006. Also on the Phroni team is Yasuhiro Watanabe, an experienced venture capitalist in the Japanese IT market.

One of the judges was a little skeptical that this hadn’t been done before. And some questioned the business model. Mr. Yamada emphasized that his service can get a lot of users via the API, as opposed to the just their stand-alone app.

The service is currently in private beta, and if you’d like to check it out, you can visit


チームは中学時代からプログラマーであった​​と言うヤマダ イクヤで構成されている。彼は、2006年のIPOd、フラクタリストの元CTOでもある。また、日本のIT市場での経験豊富なベンチャーキャピタリストであるワタナベ ヤスヒロとPhroniチームを組んでいる。



lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Game designers must also understand what motivates users to play their games. There are a number of motivational drivers, but DiTommaso recommends simplifying to four key factors. Decide if your users are motivated by:

Achievement of goals or enjoyment of experience
Structure and guidance or freedom to explore
Control of others or connecting with others
Self-interest in actions or social interest in actions

Knowing these details about users and their motivations will assist game designers in determining how the game should be laid out, how much autonomy to allow, what the users’ goals should be and so on. Let’s explore exactly what comes next in the designing process.








lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

5:  You will return the items in their original condition to me and as soon as I receive them I will refund the purchase value and the original shipping cost.
I don't want anybody to be unhappy and I always keep my word.

However I will not tolerate any threats, any blackmails for leaving negative feedback, and any attempt to abuse Ebay's return policy or to harm my reputation.

U are free to open a case with Ebay. In this case I will prove my right. The outcome will be exactly the same (you will be ordered to return the items in their original condition to me and as soon as I receive them I will have to refund the purchase value and the original shipping cost), but it will take much longer.



