lyunuyayo Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) German English
Science Medical
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

How IMO's Scam Works

Unsuspecting foreigners interested in Japan's show business are invariably referred to IMO as the best bet for entry into the industry. The agency relies on the massive supply of ignorant foreigners seduced by the allure of show biz.

You sign up at IMO. They take some information and a few photos of you. They ask you how free your schedule is. This is key for them because they need people with free and open schedules. They tell you that you'll be paid 2 months after a job, and you need a Mitsui Sumitomo bank account. Suspiciously, they won't ask for your bank account information. In fact, you'll have to give that to them multiple times via phone, email, and in person.





lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

If you know the merchant account number within EcoCard, then choose ‘Enter the merchant account number’ radio button and enter the merchant account number manually. If you don’t know the merchant account number, then choose ‘Search for the merchant’ option and either enter the merchant name manually or click ‘Search’ button. When clicked a new pop-up window will appear where you can specify the search criteria using mask (according to provided instructions) and click ‘Find’ button. Choose proper merchant name from the list either by clicking the name and or ‘Select’ button. Pop-up window will close and merchant name will be automatically added to the ‘Merchant name’ field. Click ‘Next step’ button.



lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

After getting laid off from my IT job, I decided to sign up at IMO hoping to make some money while searching for a new job. Since my schedule was quite free, I was available for just about any jobs they offered me. My very first job was for a Japanese TV show. At that shoot I met some other foreigners working in the entertainment industry. I told them I was new to IMO, and that this was my first job. After I said that, a friendly fellow American pulled me aside and told me to be very careful with IMO. I asked why. He then asked me, "When did they tell you that you'd be paid?" I replied, "2 months after the job." "Ha! Ha!" he shot back. "More like 6 months, and you have to complain forever to get it."



lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

How do I apply?
Click ‘Prepaid MasterCard’ in the left-hand menu. Then click the link that says ‘Find out more and apply’ underneath the ‘EcoCard Prepaid Debit MasterCard header’.
For full instructions of how to apply, please refer to our Step-by-step guide to Applying for the EcoCard Prepaid Debit MasterCard
What does it cost?
It costs nothing to apply and activate your debit card. Various fees apply for using your card. Please see the EcoCard Prepaid Debit Card Fees & Limits for full details.
Where do I find my PIN?
You will have been posted a four-digit PIN number shortly after you applied to use at cash machines and when making purchases with Chip and PIN.


左側のメニューにある『プリペイドマスターカード』をクリックしてください。そして『EcoCard プリペイドデビットマスターカードヘッダ』の下ある『問い合わせと申し込み』をクリックします。
申し込み方法を完全に記入するために、EcoCard プリペイドデビットマスターカードの申し込みを段階的なガイドを参照してください。
申し込みとデビットカードを有効にするのに費用はかかりません。さまざまな手数料がカードに使用に適用されます。詳細についてはEcoCard プリペイドデビットカード手数料と制限をご覧ください。