lyunuyayo Translations

ID Verified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) German English
Science Medical
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

The findings of this qualitative study indicate that, for these adolescents,
pregnancy may have implied both a desire and an opportunity to begin
to recover from childhood trauma.
The specific aim of the present study was to provide a description
of the affective component of depressed adolescents’ maternal role by
eliciting young mothers’ perceptions of their maternal roles and their experiences
of depression. A major goal for describing adolescent mothers’
responses to the postpartum experience is to broaden understanding of
the young women’ s transition to motherhood so that intervention programs
can appropriately re¯ ect what is significant, as well as positive,
from the perspective of these young women.



lyunuyayo Japanese → English
Original Text



The inspection should be stopped as possible, if the product which the trouble does not occur for about half a year from previous non-conformity.
The inspection should be stopped as possible, if the product which the trouble does not occur, although the inspection has been conducted from the time of new product induction and for about three months.
The inspection should be stopped as possible, if the trouble does not occur for about half a year, although the previous non-conformity was only the appearance.
The high-price products should be discussed that the necessity of not only the conducting of the inspection but also the past records of non-conformity.
The price of product should not be for consideration to the necessity of conducting of the inspection.

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Akio was formerly the CTO of Macromedia Japan. When headquarters in the US he saw how quickly high-speed broadband and mobile were developing in Japan and Asia, they realized this it was an area where they need to give investment. So the CEO of Macromedia asked Akio to join him in the U.S. to help run part of the Asia Investments and M&A program. Later on Adobe and Macromedia merged and during that time Adobe already had a long successful investment fund that focused only on the U.S. but they felt they wanted an Asian investments focus, so Akio became the head of Asia investments for Adobe.



lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

“Knowing what happened in Japan over the past 5 to 10 years in the internet and mobile industry, we realize certain market opportunities. For example we knew that the Groupon business was still blue ocean in Japan, so if we had the right team behind it, we could take over the market so we created the company. This year we are launching a classifieds service like CraigsList or, because no one has filled that space. So we have a specific market segment that we know we want to go after and if there is already an existing early stage company doing it, we try to work closely with them. If we can’t find the team, we create it. We are super hands on initially, and then we become hands off.”

