lyunuyayo Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) German English
Science Medical
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

We're writing to let you know that we are having difficulty processing JCB (exp. 2016/08) payment for the above transaction.

To protect your security and privacy, your issuing bank cannot provide us with information regarding why your credit card was declined. However, we suggest that you double-check the billing address, expiration date and cardholder name that you entered; if entered incorrectly these will sometimes cause a card to decline. There is no need to place a new order as we will automatically try your credit card again.

There are a few steps you can take to make the process faster:





lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Verify the payment information for this order is correct (expiration date, billing address, etc). You can update your account and billing information at

2. Contact your issuing bank using the number on the back of your card to learn more about their policies. Some issuers put restrictions on using credit cards for electronic or internet purchases. Please have the exact dollar amount and details of this purchase when you call the bank.

If paying by credit card is not an option, buy Gift Card claim codes with cash from authorized resellers at a store near you. Visit to learn more.




クレジットカードでの支払が選択肢にないならば、お近くのお店で認可再販業者から現金で Gift Card 保険請求コードを購入してください。詳しくは、をご覧ください。

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Innovation Works Closes First Internet-Focused Fund of US$180 Million

With uncertainty and shaky financial figures being constantly reported from America and Europe, it seems the world’s beacon of hope is Asia and more specifically the second biggest economy in the world, China.

This new global power shift has seen nearly every company from every country trying to get a foothold in the lucrative China market. With endless reports of giant foreign companies failing to culturally adapt to China and consequentially dying, with the obvious current example of Groupon; smarter people are learning to partner up with people who know China best.





lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Arguably even the most famous incubator, Y Combinator would likely have trouble establishing itself in China.

Today, Innovation Work’s, the most powerful early-stage high tech investment incubator in China has raised a big new US$180 million fund. Some of the heavy weight investors include Yuri Milner and Ron Conway. Milner of DST has famously shaken things up in the investment world after pumping a lot of money into Facebook, Zynga and Groupon. Conway as a Super Angel, with investments in Google, Paypal and Twitter is personally investing in Innovation Works. The rock star investor said, “Over the years, I have helped numerous companies in the United States from their founding.


最も有名なインキュベーターと言えるようなものでさえ、Y Combinatorは中国に設立することがおそらく困難である。

現在、Innovation Workは、中国で最も有力な初期先端技術投資インキュベーターであり、新たに1億8000万米ドルもの巨額な資金を集めた。非常に重要な投資家に、Yuri MilnerとRon Conwayが含まれている。DSTのMilnerは、多くの資金をFacebook、ZyngaとGrouponに投入した後、投資界で旋風を巻き起こしたことは周知のとおりである。ConwayはSuper AngelとしてGoogleとPaypal、Twitterへの投資しており、Innovation Worksには個人的に投資している。ロックスターの投資家は、「長年にわたって、私はアメリカ合衆国で多数の会社を創立から援助してきた助けました。 」と語った。

lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

When I saw that Kai-Fu’s Innovation Works has built up a great team planning to do the same in China, I became very excited. I personally invested in Innovation Works, and recommended many of Silicon Valley’s top investors to invest. Innovation Works has already shown excellent early results, and we look forward to their continued success.”

The fund called The Innovation Works Development Fund (IWDF) is the first U.S. dollar-based fund raised by the firm to be specifically focused on the Chinese Internet. This new fund was over-subscribed, demonstrating the clout of IW and confidence in the future of Chinese internet companies.


私はKai-FuのInnovation Worksが中国で同じこと企画している大きなチームが作られたのを見たとき、非常にわくわくするようになった。私は個人的に、Innovation Worksに投資し、シリコンバレートップの投資家の多くに投資することを勧めた。Innovation Worksはすでに素晴らしく早い段階で結果を示し、成功し続けることを楽しみにしている。」

Innovation Works Development Fund(IWDF)と呼ばれている基金は、特に中国のインターネットを重点的に取り込む会社によって集められた米ドルに基づいた初めての基金である。この新しい基金は募集以上に申し込みのあり、中国のインターネット会社における将来のIWの拡大と信頼を示した。