lyunuyayo Translations

ID Verified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) German English
Science Medical
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

Your case will time out in 30 days from when it was filed, if we do not hear from you. Please return to the Resolutions Center before that to let us know that you and the seller worked things out or that you need eBay customer support to make a decision.
Action Required from you :
If you are unable to work things out with the seller or do not hear back from them in 7 days, please respond to your case in the Resolution Center and choose the "Escalate" option.
What incentive is there for the seller to resolve your issue :
Sellers have a strong incentive to fix your issue. eBay takes eBay Buyer Protection cases very seriously.



lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

On a slightly different topic, we understand you completed this funding through AngelList?
Rob Reed: I can't recommend them highly enough. Naval and Nivi were great from the start. I actually put our profile up there not knowing what to expect. One of our angel investors had suggested it to me, and I had reservations, wondering if this was going to be one of those angel groups that end up so time intensive. Immediately, I saw that these guys were really disrupting the whole fundraising process. We put our thing out, categorized it, and Naval got back to us.



lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

For mobile phones, XY Mobile plans to launch low-end feature phones and also Android-powered smartphones by the end of the year. Plus, the team is also coming up with an Android-based tablet. Both its mobile phones and the tablet will have a Lao language font and keyboard. Users can also access Lao language websites, SMS, and other mobile content. Allan explained further:

"[We’re] not only selling a device but it has to come with content or services that they, the Lao, can use. Not just ringtones and wallpapers. And our pricing has to reflect the segment without compromising on quality since these devices will have to be able to cope with heat, moisture, dust, and long operating hours."




lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

To make this project a success, XY Mobile is working closely with the National Authority of Post and Telecoms (NAPT) in Laos to help spread the usage of Lao language and bridge the language gap between digital users in the country.

The majority of the users are using the GSM (or 2G) network, and only a handful of people are using 3G. But Allan explained to me that Laos does have a good telecom infrastructure with established 3G networks and ongoing Wimax trials. But the lack of content in Laos makes it hard for users to consume all this content, and thus explains the lack of usage of the network’s services. “It is like a super highway but with only a couple of bamboo bicycles on it,” said Allan.




lyunuyayo English → Japanese
Original Text

3. If you’re a localized clone, admit it, and focus on strengths

For clones, just tell the blogger that you’re basically a “me too” product. (Since there’s no way to hide it.) Instead, focus on your strengths. Tell us how you have localized your start-up to suit certain markets and achieve success by doing that. That’s considered innovation too and many bloggers will find that an interesting angle to work on.

4. Reply to press inquiries promptly

This will help writers get their stories out faster, rather than having to wait for your email. If you delay your reply, you also risk your email getting buried under other pitches which bloggers may tend to forget about your start-up.




