Lawnsgarden (kohashi) Translations

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About 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English Dutch
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kohashi Japanese → English
Original Text



Today, my grand mother who I was very proud of, passed away finishing her 115 years of her life and went to heaven.
After these long long years of her life, her seemed very pure and her face showed nothing but peacefulness.
My grand mother continued her job ass Japanese dressmaking until she is 100 years old. She handled very attentively even to those tiny things and she was skillful to cope with any difficult requests.
She was smiling softly always and gave same tenderness to everyone regardless of who they were.
When I was very young, she always praized me. Also, she tought me evey beautiful things exit in this world.
I shared the time with her for dressmaking and knitting, growing so many flowers and cooking many dishes together.