Kazunari Ibaraki (kazunibar) Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kazunibar Japanese → English ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Vol.33 (株)インタートレード


Vol.33 Intertrade

kazunibar Japanese → English ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Vol.24 川澄化学工業(株)


Vol.24 Kawasumi Chemical Industries

kazunibar Japanese → English ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Vol.21 (株)翻訳センター


Vol.21 Translation Center

kazunibar Japanese → English ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Vol.15 トラスコ中山(株)


Vol.15 Trusco Nakayama

kazunibar Japanese → English ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text




kazunibar Japanese → English ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text




kazunibar English → Japanese
Original Text

Your skin can change significantly when you are pregnant and with hormones fluctuating, this can lead to skin dryness and sensitivities, not to mention being itchy from all that stretching.

Developed by Michelle during her third pregnancy, this rich cream is specially formulated to maintain moisture, suppleness and elasticity while your belly is stretching to accommodate your growing baby - and it doesn’t leave the greasy residue like some butters can.

Deeply moisturising and nourishing, it contains pure cocoa butter and organic shea butter, both well known for replenishing skin’s vital moisture, maintaining suppleness and reducing the possibility and appearance of stretchmarks.





kazunibar English → Japanese
Original Text

Our system has identified a potential problem with this entry. Additional documentation may be required. Please verify that you have entered the price correctly and that it is in U.S. Dollars. You will not be able to ship this package until you have entered and confirmed all values.

The prices and totals shown here are a true and accurate reflection of the prices I actually paid or, if I did not purchase this merchandise, the value of these items. I understand that civil and criminal penalties may be imposed for making false statements or for violation of applicable laws and regulations governing export or import of goods and merchandise.

confirm the values you entered are true.
accurate before clicking submit.





kazunibar English → Japanese
Original Text

Sorry, we do not quite understand this message. Please reply and be more specific.

Q. How do I order parts and accessories for my bag?

A. After identifying the model of your bag, click on the Customer Service tab and select "Repair Catalogues". Select and download the appropriate link for your bag. Once you have identified the part numbers that you need, refer to the last page of the catalogue for the price list. Once you have identified the parts that you need, . Kindly include your name, shipping address, phone number, style number and color of your bag, along with the parts and quantities that you need. We will contact you if we need additional information.




回答。お客様のバッグのモデルを確認して、Customer Serviceのタブをクリックして "Repair Catalogues"を選択する。お客様のバッグに該当するリンクを選択してダウンロードする。お客様の必要な部品番号を探して、カタログの最終頁の価格表を参照する。お客様の必要とする部品が見つかったら、お客様の氏名、送付先住所、電話番号、お客様のバッグの型番号と色を、お客様の必要な部品と数量と共にお送り下さい。その他の情報が必要な場合には当方よりご連絡致します。