honeylemon (honeylemon003) Translations

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
New Zealand
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
honeylemon003 Japanese → English
Original Text





たった、一日で話出来るかな?? この二週間はとても充実した日々だったから。



Thank you for putting up with me until late last night.
I was shocked (in a good way) by your 'good night kiss'

I have an early start today, I am leaving here shortly.
I normally use bike taxi or tuktuk as a trasnport whitin the city,
but I will contact a taxi driver who is a good friend of mine to pick me up today,
as I need to go to the airport.

The schedule for today is, inspection of the proposed site and environment of the area. If I have time, I want to visit their antiquity too.

I am returning back to Japan the day after tomorrow!!
Its 6th today, so I can meet you in another 3 more days!

I am not sure if I can talk to you about my trip in one day, because this 2 weeks were very fulfilling days.

I am also looking forward to hearing your story too.