hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
ID Verified
About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Create a beautiful story with FH line. Our recycled indoor / outdoor rugs, pillows, natural fiber rugs, throws and storage offer style & versatility customers are looking for at an affordable price.

Feel good on making the decision to buy FH line.Your choice will make a positive impact on the planet, our indoor / outdoor rugs are made from recycled material that would reduce plastic waste going into landfills. Our soft and durable cotton line is made from recycle cotton.

When we started the company, we wanted to ensure the products we created were ethically made and sourced. We are proud to announce our partnership with GoodWeave to ensure no child labor is involved when you hold a FH rug.





hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

I'm looking for a DCR-VX1000 that works and produces an image + sound in camera mode. It doesn't matter if the camera doesn't record, I just need the image + sound to work and the RCA plugs to work..
Do you have any VX1000's like this?
Must have working focus, shutter speed, everything to do with camera mode. VTR (playback mode) does not matter, and recording to a tape also does not matter.

Hello. I just received the lens. However, I found the AF function did not quite work at my camera, also it seemed there are few unknown dots on front element. I will test more and get back to you. Thanks.



こんにちは、レンズをちょうど受け取ったところですが、私のカメラではAF機能がしっくりと機能しないことがわかりました。またフロント部分にわけの分からない数個の点があります。もう少しテストして、また連絡します。 どうも。

hhanyu7 Japanese → English
Original Text

それは、空港 税関等で人の手を介して行われる行為であり

特に箱にダメージがある ネガティブフィードバックなどで脅す行為を多数行っている為




This is an unopened, brand new figure.
Overall, it is with thin layer of paint.
The outer box can be damaged such as scratch or dent in transit.
Such damage is due to the handling by workers at an airport and/or customs, and should be within acceptable level of the international mail service, based on the observation from the photo.

I have noticed that you demanded refunds from all of other sellers in the same manner and repeatedly threatened them with negative feedback especially for damaged boxes.

For this reason, I request you return the product.
Please send it back to the address below.

A return shipping cost, $25, which is the same amount when the product was sent to you, will be refunded to you after I receive the product.

hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

11. Lawyers and workers in legal system (19)
12. Doctors, dentists and other health care professionals (19)
13. Scientists and lab technicians (17)
14. Accountants, others in business, financial operations (16)
15. Nursing, medical assistants, health care support (15)
16. Clergy, social workers, other social service workers (14)
17. Real estate agents, telemarketers, sales (13)
18. Building and ground, cleaning, maintenance (13)
19. Cooks, food service workers (13)
20. Child care workers, barbers, animal trainers, personal care and service (8)
These are the jobs with the highest rates of suicide
Suicide is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the US.


11. リーガル・システムにおける弁護士および労働者(19)
12. 医者、歯医者およびソン他のヘルスケア・プロフェッショナル(19)
13. 科学者および実験助手(17)
14. 会計士、事業、金融業のその他の方々(16)
15. 看護、医療のアシスタント、ヘルスケア・サポート(15)
16. 聖職者、ソーシャル・ワーカー、その他のソーシャル・サービス・ワーカー
17. 不動産業者、テレマーケター、営業(13)
18. ビルと土地、清掃、保守(13)
19. 料理人、フード・サービス・ワーカー(13)
20. チャイルド・ケア・ワーカー、理髪業者、動物トレーナー、パーソナル・ケアおよびサービス(8)

hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Pinpointing the cause of suicide is almost impossible as there are a number of potential factors. This makes working on prevention efforts key. So the CDC analyzed the jobs that have the highest rates of suicide per 100,000 people in an attempt to figure out where to focus prevention efforts.
The report published Thursday looked at data from 17 states in 2012, compiled in the CDC's National Violent Death Reporting System from an occupational perspective. The 17 states were: Alaska, Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

