hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Tks for yr cooperation so far,
Pls be informed that We have received the documents may be for permission of import additives
And found the followings,

- They would have been unavailable for Food Safety Dept.(VFA), he needs the documents that have been
Being shown the technical norms from the manufacturers, and the Circulation Proclaim of these Additives from
the relevant organizations of Japan Authority.

- Please explain why the pH( 1.0g,water 100ml) shown in Cert. of Analysis of CO100: 4.3+/-0.4 but in Specification: 10.3+/-0.3,
The same pH ( 1.0g,water 100ml) shown in Cert. of Analysis of AG100: 10.0+/-1.0 but in Specification: 4.5+/-0.3, and in the Analysis of
SN100 have not been shown the pH why?




ーCO100分析の証明書に示されているpH(1.0g、水 10ml)についての理由説明をお願いします:4.3+/-0.4、しかし仕様では10.3+/-0.3です。

hhanyu7 Japanese → English
Original Text






Prices of most of the products in the purchase price list have gone up 20% since August 3.
Those prices are too high for the products to be sold in Japan.
Prices of the genuine products are cheap in Japan.

Below is a calculation simulation when the products are sold at prices 10% less than the prices for the genuine products.
You can see that it would generate less than 5% profits.
If the genuine products prices go down, our products would not be sold at all.

Even if our products were 10% cheaper than the genuine products, there would be no guarantee that Parallel import goods could be sold.
It seems to me that products, which are 20% cheaper than the genuine products, have been selling.
So I would say we would need at least 15% difference in price.

Would you consider lowering the prices to the level where they are 10% cheaper than the current prices?

hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Regarding the food additive , we can import with both A and B because all ingredient of both allowed to use in Viet Nam ,Except C , ingredient has Aluminium Potassium Sulphate – E522 ,E522 did not allow to use in Viet Nam .

So we need your help to supply the proof of Aluminium Potassium Sulphate – E522 ,E522 using in Japan . Based on this proof we have to submit to Food Safety Department (VFA) for checking

When we receive these food additives , we will inform you about shipment details.

Interpreter-Mr Sato , he is busy on 6th August and free on 9th Aug, we are trying to find another one to help us for translation.

We are looking forward to receiving your advice







hhanyu7 Japanese → English
Original Text



If you have something to worry about, please talk to me. In fact, I used to be teach psychology in Japan.
Normally, it is most likely that one who changes his profile photo may worry about something.
Do you have some male friend you are interested in? Japanese men tend to be shy, so you need to be more aggressive. For example, why don't you ask him out for dinner or for a festival? If you don't give him a clue showing that you are interested in him, he will never ask you out. I believe you are a charming lady, so he would be happy when he knows you are interested in him. Have more confidence in yourself. Men are afraid of being turned down when they ask a girl out, so they tend to go out with girls who never say no.

hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

- Are you able to send me 2 of your utter most brand new, sealed and unopened Amiibo boxes with all their bits on the boxes are straight, level, pointy, unfolded and not bending or warpping including the part on top of the box that hangs on a rack?
- Same with labels on the boxes, no unofficial labels and no writting from shops?
- Making sure that the little gold sticker on the front of the box top left corner is straight, level, and not krooked in anyway?
- 2 that will be kept undamaged for delivery in a strong cardboard box surrounded inside with protection so they cannot move around or get damaged during delivery but as well but do not tape etc anything onto the item's itself?

