MARI SAKAI (graynora) Translations

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About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
graynora English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

In Malaysia and other Southeast Asia countries, recently there are a variety of financial products and people are starting confused. iMoney is nicely solving this problems with friendly UI, providing a wide range of products. Of course, there are several other money comparison sites in SEA, but I believe that the iMoney team is an only player who can dominate the entire Southeast Asian market. The team has a very strong background in the financial services industry. In addition, iMoney has 5 regional representatives who have professional experience in financial service in 6 different countries. Moreoer, in management side there are Tim Marbach, and Khailee Ng who are successful serial entrepreneurs.


マレーシアや他の東南アジア諸国では最近になって様々な金融商品があり、人々は混乱し始めている。 iMoneyはフレンドリーなUIと広い製品範囲を提供することでうまくこの問題を解決している。もちろん、SEAには他にもいくつか金融比較サイトがあるが、iMoneyチームは全体の東南アジア市場を支配することができる唯一の​​プレーヤーであると私は信じている。このチームは金融サービス業界では非常に強力なバックグラウンドを持っている。それに加えて、iMoneyは6つの異なる国において金融サービスのプロフェッショナルな経験を積んだ5地域の代表者を擁している。 さらに、経営サイドには成功した起業家であるTim MarbachとKhailee Ng がいる。

graynora English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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Tencent Has Invested $2 bn in Overseas Markets. Here’s the Full List.

Tencent has invested $2 billion in overseas markets, a large part of which went to startups, disclosed Martin Lau, president of Tencent, at GMIC 2013 Sillicon Valley. Not only does Tencent inject money into those startups, the company would also pass on experience or help them enter China market, he said.

Online gaming has been the major contributor to its total revenues and Tencent counts on mobile gaming in order to monetize the huge user base it has already had through WeChat, Mobile QQ and other mobile apps. So most of foreign businesses Tencent has stakes in are gaming-related.



テンセントは海外マーケットに20億米ドルを投資し、その大部分はスタートアップであったことをTencentの社長であるMartin LauがGMIC2013 シリコンバレーで開示した。Tencentはそれらスタートアップに資金を注入するだけでなく、同社は経験を伝えたり、彼らの中国市場参入を助けるだろうと彼は語った。


graynora English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

・Other deals including social platform for game players Raptr, RunWilder — a startup “creating franchise characters born on mobile” and co-founded by former employees, and ZAM, an online forum for gamers.


・, an American online retailer for design products, announced a $150 round of funding led by Tencent in June 2013.

・Tencent acquired 13.84% of Kakao Talk, South Korean mobile app developer, for RMB 403 million in early 2012.

・A bunch of Y Combinator alumni, Everyme, Ark, Sonalight, Loom and Watsi.

・Tencent joined the seed round of funding in Pair, a social app for couples, raised in 2012.

・In late 2011, Silicon Valley-based photo sharing app Waddle landed seed funding from Tencent.


・ゲームプレーヤー向けソーシャルプラットフォームのRaptr、RunWilderを含むその他の情報 — "モバイルからランチャイズキャラクター作成"を目指すスタートアップであり、元従業員およびゲーマーのためのオンラインフォーラムZAMにより共同で設立。




・Y Combinatorのたくさんの同窓生には、Everyme、Sonalight、Sonalight、Loom、Watsiがいる。



graynora English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Other monetization approaches include opening up the emoticon platform to third-parties designers so as to share future emoticon sales with them.

Although it looks nobody could beat WeChat, Chinese Internet giants still hopes to grab some shares in the mobile communication market. Alibaba Group is aggressively promoting its Laiwang internally with a wild wish of 30% of the market. EasyChat tries to differentiate from WeChat. Recently it announced 10 million registered users. Sina injected funding in WeMeet, a similar app headed by former Sina Weibo lead. Shanda also developed one named Youni.



誰もWeChatを倒すことができなかったように見えるが、中国インターネット界の巨人は、モバイルコミュニケーション市場でいくらかのシェアを取得したいとまだ望んでいる。Alibabaグループは市場の30%という途方もない願いを目指して、内部的にLaiwangを積極的に推進している。 EasyChatはWeChatと差別化しようとしている。最近、登録ユーザ数が1000万人であることを発表した。Sinaは前Sina Weiboのリーダーが率いる類似アプリであるWeMeetに資金を注入した。ShandaもYouniというアプリを開発した。