Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English Spanish Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Give yourself a preview of success, and then you will be willing to pay the price of admission. Your motivation to pay the price for success will go up if you give yourself a picture of what it will be like once you attain your goal. Find a way to see the benefits of attaining your goal, before you start on your journey to the top. See how people that are already successful in the field you are striving to succeed in live their lives. See what kind of conditions they work under, see how they work, and see how they play, see who they associate with, etc. That will give you the extra boost of motivation you need to get started and stay on course.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Here is the secret to getting more energy. What you need is a BIG project, a REALLY BIG project. It can be a work project, a project around the house, or something like getting in shape, but it must inspire you by being something you really wish would happen. You will have trouble sleeping, you will always be talking about it, reading about it and actually doing it. So find something you really want to happen and move from the planning stage to the doing stage, and you will find that energy you have been looking for.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

People who succeed concentrate on what they did right, whereas people who fail tend to concentrate on what they did wrong. So after you complete some task or activity, take a moment to tell yourself what you did right, and give yourself credit for it.

Keep moving after you have had a success. Don't lose your momentum - keep going, don't slow down. Things in motion stay in motion, so you won't have to start over if you keep your wins going. Too many of us stop when we have a win, and go back to ground zero. Then we start the long climb back up, taking more time and energy. Find a way to string your wins together, rather than thinking about slacking off after you have had something go your way.


