Gabriel Ueda (gabrielueda) Translations

5.0 13 reviews
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About 9 years ago Male 40s
Portuguese (Brazil) (Native) English Japanese
Business technology Finance
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gabrielueda Japanese → English
Original Text






I cannot do anything, and the only thing it feels like is harassment.

When Mr. Yasuda made me a question about the edition of access, I had a huge problem to answer it, because Mr. Tsukimori had said that access was something that he (Mr. Tsukimori) had made himself, so he would do everything related to it. That day, Mr. Tsukimori was on legal holiday, so I could not ask him. After trying many things by myself, I managed to solve the problem, but it is a serious problem when someone keeps something to themselves, without sharing with the others.

Once again I request a discussion with my superior

Workplace consultant: the workplace situation is still the same, with only myself isolated, and being the only person Mr. Tsukimori did not talk to,