emguillemier Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
English Japanese French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
emguillemier English → Japanese
Original Text

6. Gesture 5, Following the Ascending colon, Transverse colon, Descending colon, Recta anus, massage and promote the intestines peristalsis, evacuate the bowels. Refer Pic F

P.S.: the real lins ask the gesture with soft power, but the broken lins ask the gesture with out power. On the legs and arms, mostly suggest to do circling or slant pulling gesture, to pull the obesity to the lymph place.

Moisten and make up water: Inject the water feeding active distillate into the deep-seated skin, supply enough water to the cells, prevent the series of skin problems caused by short of water

1),To attract new customers and enhance the visibility of beauty salons
2) To enhance the beauty salon grade and expand profit space


6.ジェスチャー5は、上行結腸、横行結腸に続いて、腸へ降ろす、直腸の複数形の肛門、腸の蠕動運動を促進するため、マッサージし大便をする。 写真F参照




emguillemier English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

Gesture suggestion

On the belly
1. Take the Strong ultrasonic head, do circling gesture, from both sides of the waist, pull to the middle. Refer Pic A

2. Gesture 1: Take the RF head, with circle gesture between the chests and slanting pull at the groin, to open the points. Refer Pic B

3. Gesture 2, To navel as the center, from outer to inner, to do small circles to dissolve redundant fatness. Refer Pic C

4. Gesture 3, Slanting pull the fatness between both sides of the waist, lastly pull to the groin, make the fatty acid exausted with lymph drainage. Refer Pic D

5. Gesture 4, Slanting pull the fatness under the ribs to the groin, then return it under the ribs, repeat it some times. Refer Pic E



1.強力な超音波ヘッドを取り、丸く円を描き、腰の両側から、真ん中に引きます。 写真A参照


3.冗長な肥満を解消するために、小さな丸を描くには、外側から内側中心として、へそにジェスチャー2を行ってください。 写真C参照



emguillemier English → Japanese
Original Text

The example reports here show just a few of the things you can do with BIRT. Unless otherwise noted, the reports are meant to be run against the "Classic Models Inc." sample database that is included in the BIRT download.

Preview a report by clicking on the title link. To try a report for yourself, click on the rptdesign link to display the ROM file, save it to disk and then use File-->Import to bring the file into your Eclipse workspace. If the report uses the Classic Models database, you should be able to run the report immediately. If the report uses another database, follow the instructions provided in the "Other Notes" section of its description.



タイトルのリンクをクリックして、レポートをプレビューします。あなた自身でレポートを実行するには、ディスクに保存し、ROMファイルを表示するにはrptdesignのリンクをクリックし、[ファイル使用 - エクリプス-ワークスペースにファイルをインポートするため]。レポートには、古典的なモデルのデータベースを使用している場合、すぐに、レポートを実行することができるはずです。レポートには、別のデータベースを使用する場合は、その説明の"その他の注意"の項に記載されている指示に従ってください。

emguillemier English → Japanese
Original Text

In the course of the life review the older person may reveal to his wife, children, and other initimates, unknown qualities of his character and unstated actions of his past; in return, they may reveak heretofore undisclosed or unknown truths.
Hidden themes of great vintage may emerge, changing the quality of a lifelong relationship. Revelations of the pas may forge a new intimacy, render a deceit honest; they may sever peculiar bonds and free tongues; or they may sculpture terrifying hatreds out of fluid, fitful antagonisms.
Sameness and change may both be manifestations of the active process of ego identity. Erikson writes, ''... identity formation neither begins nor ends with adolescence: it is a lifelong


偉大なヴィンテージの隠れたテーマは、生涯の関係の質を変えて出てくるかもしれません。 PASの啓示は、新しい親密さを偽造詐欺正直をレンダリングするかもしれないが、これらは独特の絆や自由言動を取り除ける、または、それら彫刻は、流体、断続的な対立の憎しみを恐れるかもしれません。

emguillemier English → Japanese
Original Text

Yet, the capacity to change, according to prevailing stereotype, decreases with age. '' Learning capacity'' falters with time, and it is fair to say that the major portion of gerontological research throughout the country is concerned almost enthusiastically with measuring decline in variouscognitive, perceptual, and psychomotor functions. Comparable attention toward studies of the individual, of growing wisdom, of the meaning of experience, is not ordinary.
It is therefore of interest to notice the positive, affirmative changes reported by the aged themselves as part of their life experience, and to find constructive alternations in character, possibly as a consequence of the life review.


現行のステレオタイプによると、まだ、変化する能力は、年齢とともに減少する。 ''性質''を学ぶことは、時間でつまずく、それが全国の老年学研究の大部分は測定、さまざまな認識の低下、知覚的、および精神運動機能とほぼ、熱狂的に懸念されている、と言っても過言ではない。通常は、経験の意味の知恵の成長の個々の研究は、向かって匹敵する事の注目には値しません。

emguillemier English → Japanese
Original Text

Memory is an ego function whose neurophysiological mechanisms remain hypothetical and inconclusively demonstrated. It serves the sense of self and its continuity; it entertains us; it shames us; it pains us. Memory can tell us our origins; it can be explanatory and it can deceive. Presumably it can lend itself toward cure, The recovery of memories, the making the unconscious conscious, is generally regarded as one of the basic ingredients of the curative process. It is a step in the occurrence of change, Psychotherapists tend to associate self-awareness with healsth, and lack of awareness with morbidity.
Probably at no other time in life is there as potent a force toward self-awareness operating as in old age.



emguillemier English → Japanese
Original Text

Past and current forms of, or views about, the psychotherapy of the aged might well be evaluated in terms of their relation to the life review. The ''Martin Method'', for example, may have been successful because of the enthusiasm, interest, and support provided in this inspirational catechismic form of therapy, but perhaps also because the client was asked to relate his life history in detail, including the seemingly irrelebant side thoughts or images, which might help in understanding ''subconscious complexes''.
Goldfarb and his associates, on the other hand, propose a technique based upon illusion-namely, creating the illusion of mastery in the patient.


過去および現在のフォーム、または高齢者の心理療法、人生のレビューを、よく、生活の見直しとの関係の観点で評価される可能性があります。 ''マーティン法''は、例えば、なぜなら熱意、関心、および治療のこの心に強く訴えるよう、カテキズム的な形で提供されるサポートの成功かもしれませんが、クライアントを含め、詳細に、彼の生活史を関連付けるように頼まれた、おそらく、また、''潜在意識の複合体''を理解する上で役立つかもしれない一見、無関係側の思考やイメージである。

emguillemier English → Japanese
Original Text

I understand your meaning regarding the wound on the calculator.
As you see there are a lot of small holes for the buttons on the Magic calculator, those marks in called floating marks.

It happens whenever the plastic injection process. It is unavoidable.
Because the material is acrylic (black) and with glossy finish, the floating marks may be a bit obvious when you see in some angle under the light.
Hope it is acceptable for you, as it happens all the time during the plastic injection process.

I definitely understand that the research would take time. When will be the best time for me to check with you again? I will wait for you then. Please advise.



