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菱沼重義 (elephantrans) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

How many people do you know are constantly whining and then blaming others? I bet those people aren’t well off financially, are they?
Millionaires don’t whine, complain, or point fingers. Instead, they accept challenges and look for ways to conquer them.
As T. Harv Eker, author of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth", says “Rich people believe, 'I create my life.' Poor people believe, 'Life happens to me.'"
17. You may have a drink, but you don’t smoke.
Did you know that men who are self-reported drinkers earn 21 percent more than male abstainers, while women who drink earn 8 percent more than non-drinking females. The reason?


「億万長者の心理の秘密:内なる富のゲーム」の著者であるT. Harv Eker氏が述べているように、富裕層の人々は「人生を切り開く」ことを信じ、貧困層の人々は「人生は偶然だ」と信じている。


elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

One of the most common traits that the wealthy have in common is that they began earning money at young age. For example, a 12-year-old Mark Cuban sold trash bags door-to-door, Warren Buffett sold packets of gum to his neighbors when he was just 6-years-old and Richard Branson bred and sold parakeets as pets at the age of 11.
If you had this entrepreneurial spirit as a child, then that’s a solid indicator that you’ll become a millionaire since you’ve always been on the lookout for ways to make money.
2. You’re an overachiever.
Were you that student who wasn’t satisfied with a B in class? Millionaires have the mindset to shoot big. They’re not satisfied with making just $1 million. They want to make $10 million.


富裕層に共通な特徴の一つは、彼らは若い時から収入を得ることを始めたことである。例えば、12才だったMark Cuban はごみ袋を訪問販売で売り、Warren Buffett はわずか6才だった頃近所でガムの包みを売り、Richard Branson は11才の時にインコを飼いペットとして販売した。


elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

3. You’re really, really good looking.
I know. This sounds like a bunch of bull and discriminatory, but research conducted by Daniel Hamermesh, an economics professor at the University of Texas in Austin found that this is the case. According to his research, “attractive people are likely to earn an average of 3 percent to 4 percent more than a person with below-average looks.” That may not sound like a fortune, but that adds up to “$230,000 more over a lifetime for the typical good-looking person.”
Hamermesh found that attractive people are able to charm interviewers and are able to land more sales.
4. You have an action-oriented mindset.


これは全くくだらないことで、差別的に聞こえることは承知しているが、しかし、オースチンにあるテキサス大学の経済学教授である Daniel Hamermesh氏が実施した調査で、これは真実であることが判明した。彼の調査によれば、魅力的な人達は平均以下の外見の人達よりも平均して3~4パーセント多く稼ぐ傾向にある。「これは大金のようには思えないかもしれないが、典型的な魅力的な人の生涯で、2300万円を超える額に積み上がる。」
