conniechappell Translations

ID Verified
About 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
conniechappell English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I will refund right away for the jet speed. It seems like all of the tour issue product that I offer, you are not interested in. I have heard that customers in Japan are very interested in tour issue product but you are not purchasing any. The SLDR drivers are 460cc head with toe screw as indicated in my last email. They are 8 degree lofts. I have 10 heads left and if you want them let me know as soon as possible as they will be sold by end of week if you do not commit to them.
I have 5 sets of the CAMILO VILLEGAS. What price works for you on these. Someone is selling them on eBay for 799.00. I would like to get rid of these so let me know if interested. Thank you as always for your business.


ジェットスピードはすぐに返金します。あなた様は私が販売しているツアーイシュー商品には興味がないようですね。日本のお客様はツアーイシュー商品に興味があると聞きましたが、あなた様は購入なさらないのですね。わたくし共からの先日のメールに記載させていただいた通り、SLDRドライバーは、460ccのヘッドでtoe screw付です。ロフト角は8度です。あと10本のみ在庫がございますので、もしご購入なさる場合、すぐにご連絡ください。もし購入の連絡がない場合は、週末までには売り切れると思います。
CAMILO VILLEGASは5セット在庫がございます。購入価格はおいくらを検討されてますか?eBayでは799ドルで販売しています。わたくし共はこちらの商品を売り切ってしまいたいため、もしご興味がありましたらご連絡ください。いつもありがとうございます。

conniechappell English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We had to cancel bids for the buyer, phung.2014, because they aren't registered on eBay:
161420258553 - #13189 CONTAX Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 135mm F2.8 AEJ From Japan Excellent
161421141625 - #12352 CONTAX Carl Zeiss T* Sonnar 180mm F2.8 MMJ Excellent From Japan
In these types of situations, we'll credit the final value fee for removed listings won by this buyer, and also the insertion fee if it was a single-quantity listing.
All associated fees have been credited.
We've also made it easy to relist your item if it was removed. Although the item is no longer available in search listings, you will find it in the Sold section of My eBay. For more information, please visit:



161420258553 - #13189 CONTAX Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 135mm F2.8 AEJ From Japan Excellent
161421141625 - #12352 CONTAX Carl Zeiss T* Sonnar 180mm F2.8 MMJ Excellent From Japan

このリスティングが既に消去された場合、あなたの商品を簡単に再出品できるようにしました。リスティング検索でこの商品は出てきませんが、「My eBay」にある「Sold section」(売却済み)で見ることができます。更に詳しい情報は、こちらをご覧ください。