chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Isopod™ has a unique pole configuration that has been wind tunnel and computer-optimized to withstand extreme winds, resisting breakage by allowing pole flex. Isopod™ fabrics are custom designed with additional UV and abrasion resistance. The removable inner canopy is composed largely of APRI™, a metallic fabric that increases interior warmth. A large Dyneema-reinforced snow skirt around the perimeter of Isopod™ can be used to seal out weather. Over 40 guy-out points and 10 primary ground anchors lock Isopod™ to the ground. Internally deployable vents and mesh pockets, including specialized radio pockets, ensure livability. Includes high strength DAC poles, duffle style carry bag, snow stakes, and repair kit.


Isopod™ はユニークなポールの形状をしている。それはコンピューターで設計された風洞となっていて、強風に耐え、ポールは柔軟に曲がるので壊れません。
Isopod™の縁の周りに取り付けられたある大きなダイニーマで強化されたスノースカートは風雨を吹き込むのを防ぎます。40個のガイアウトポイント(止め穴)と10個のIsopod™ メインのグラウンドアンカー(地面に固定する金具)で地面に固定します。内部には、空気穴、メッシュポケット、ラジオ専用ポケットが装備されていて居住適性を高めています。強靭なDACポールと、ダッフルスタイルなキャリングケース、スノースケート、修理キットを含みます。

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

This fine looking reel is a custom built version of the rare black 6500C that was only made for a short period from November 1979 to May 1980. Genuine classic Abu parts were used in the construction and the reel looks like new.

The classic 6500C was probably the most popular long distance fishing reel and tournament reel in the 1970’s and 1980’s, mainly used in CT mode without level wind. The reel was made by Abu from 1972 to 1980, nine years in total. It is no wonder why it was so popular, it cast well, was easy to tune and service and was totally reliable, probably more so than some of the reels made today.


このすばらしいリールはレアブラックの6500C のカスタムバージョンで、1979年11月から1980年5月の短期間のみしか作られませんでした。本物のクラシックなAbuパーツを使用していてリールは新品のように見えます。



chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Football players learn that despite the blocking and tackling, the ball is never where it is supposed to be, and they must adapt to the situation as it exists at the moment. Army Rangers have this saying: "Once the first shot is fired, all the plans are out the window."

Things are constantly changing, and no matter how well we plan, things are going to turn up that we didn't plan on. This doesn't mean we shouldn't plan, but it does mean we have to be flexible and open to change. Look at how you handle changes to the situation your plans are based on. Ask yourself if you need to be more adaptable and if you need to build more contingency plans into your thought process.


Army Rangers はこう言う。”はじめの一発が放たれたら、後のすべては分からない。”
