chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

I'm happy to tell you guys, this year summer we're going to Japan!

Picture of a Comike application form, costs 1000 yen each. Though it looks so thick in size, it is recommended not to fill anything directly by a pen at all,
as nowadays the application process is mainly done through online.

Can't wait to be able to meet fellow comrades on that day!

Booth location according to the map

So what are we going to roll-out in C82?

From the circle cut, you might guess it's going to be ●…. but the final answer is...

A new doujin series is going to debut, titled● , and this time the heroine is ● from ●.
We're also planning to publish extra books and goods related to ● and ●. For latest news of our goodies, stay tuned !






chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

I sell to many customers in Japan but if you atart a store I will only sell to you. I trust very few people as well but will sell to you. You can look up my website at You can also look up the information about my store in Shelby
NC. Futhermore you can look at challenger III gofl course in Shelby. My ebay stroes are PCH golf and discount golf den. Two friends run these for me and I give them a precentage of what they sell hence the reason I have seperate stores.
IF you want the S300 TI we spoke of yesterday I need to know today they are hard to get and I can only get a certain amount ecah week.


私のウエッブサイトwww.myclubmaker.comをご覧ください。Shelby の私の店についても情報が見られます。
NC. さらにShelby のchallenger III ゴルフコースも見られます。私のEbayの店はPCHゴルフとディスカウントゴルフデンです。他に店があるので2人の友達が私のためにそれらの店を経営していて、販売額の1%を支払います。

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

* We know exactly what it takes to have a successful motorcycle accessory dealership on-line as well as in the real
world, and now we have pre-packaged this for you. We know this, because that is what we are. We do this every
day. We are experts, and we have developed our proven systems over our 20+ years of being successfully in
business. We have fine-tuned our systems from our local repair shop beginnings back in the ‘80s, to our current
status as a full service, worldwide, accessory supplier and have made them available for you. Now, you too can
have your own full service accessory dealership, just as we do, and benefit from our 20+ years of hard work and development, today whether you are just a local



chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

repair shop, or if you are ready to shoot for the stars. Are you ready to go global? Read on…
MX South Wholesale Dealer Services Programs
Complete Overview of Services to Facilitate Local product sales, Enable Web Page
& Web Order Development Empowered by Live Product Data Maintenance
modeled after the MX South Model and Infrastructure.
Wholesale Customer/Dealer Needs, Objectives, & Goals to be Successful
• You must simplify purchasing of all products in the motorcycle industry at a consistent wholesale level from one convenient source. We
make it easy to place your orders with us with a simple on-line order submission interface.
• You must, and will have a consistent wholesale pricing program.


もし高望みをしているにしても。 グローバルになりませんか?
MX サウス量販店サービスプログラム

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

(Your profit margin is protected)
• You must have the ability to build and maintain your own custom website with live dynamically updated database of products behind it.
• You will receive customer orders through your own personalized website shopping cart system.
• It is a must have the power of locally installed software for complete product & website management and facilitation of local sales. You will
have local product and pricing management, and immediate data access. (Software installed on your local PC’s at your fingertips)
• Multi-user employee customization & control for selective access to sensitive information. (Individual employee access w/ rights you control)



chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

• You will realize the power of a dynamic database that includes all companies’, products, and part numbers in the motorcycle industry you’re
your own customizable pricing levels and live updated inventory features.
• Your immediate need to know if product is available. (You can’t sell it if it isn’t available)
• Your will need web page development, deployment, and maintenance on an ongoing basis. (We are ready when you are, to go worldwide)
• You must have a website and also local product sales abilities combined in one smart system. (The Internet is where the action is today)
• You will need product updates, info, & data support on an ongoing basis. (We’ve got your back 24/7)

