chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks for your email. I am very sorry that you received this item in less than perfect condition. It is never our intention to send damaged merchandise to our customers. You may return this item; using our Online Return Service with DHL. You can use this service by going to your Shopbop account, select Order History and click the Return Items button. I have instructed our Returns Department to waive the return charge. This means that you will not be responsible for return shipping. At this point, we will process this return as a refund back to your credit card. You may go online and place a new order; if you wish to replace this item.



chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Rifle Mode ( ): Calculates and displays the amount of bullet drop, at the target in inches, centimeters or
MOA. The amount of bullet drop is determined by the line of sight distance to the target, degree of elevation,
along with the specific ballistic characteristics of the caliber and ammunition load. When you range your target,
the line of sight, degree of elevation, and bullet-drop/holdover in inches, centimeters, or MOA will be displayed
from 100 to 800 yards/meters with a maximum inclination of +/- 90°. One of eight ballistic groups (identified as
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H) for center fire rifles and two ballistic groups (Identified as I and J) for Black Powder /


目標を定める時は、見通し距離、上昇度、弾丸落下/持続距離(インチやセンチやメートルあるいはMOAで表示)を100から800ヤード/メートルまで、最大傾斜度+/- 90°で表示する。
センターファイヤーライフルのための8つの弾道グループ(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Hで識別)の一つと、ブラックパウダー[黒色火薬]のための2つの弾道グループ(IとJ)/