chiakipenguin Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

Clearly, Chinese is going to overtake English as the web’s number one language very soon. At its current rate of growth, that could well happen by mid-2014. Its growth has been stellar in the past 11 years, when most other languages have been static – that’s obviously because so few of its populace was online before. Today it’s still a fairly long way from its saturation point.

Other languages are getting proportionally squeezed, such as the drop in the global share of Japanese, which is now at 8 percent and has been static since 2005. But, last year when we looked at languages used on global social media such as Twitter, we noticed the greater prevalence of Japanese, Korean, and Bahasa Indonesia.



その他の言語は、世界的に占める比率は減少しており、例えば、日本語が2005年以降動きがなく現在8%を占めるといった具合だ。ただし、昨年、Twitter 等の世界的ソーシャルメディアで使われる言語を見た際は、日本語、韓国語、インドネシア語の利用が増加していた。

chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

The Gold Rush Mentality

Local news broke last week that 360buy is looking to outsource its group buying business while 55Tuan appears to be one of the bidders as the two were rumored to be in discussion about the possibility.

Now It’s 360buy’s Turn

The 360buy move followed 55Tuan’s taking over of Ganji group buying business two weeks ago. And Ftuan has already been taking care of kaixin001’s daily deal sites since last year. More and more Internet companies who jumped into the group buying arena now after second thought were considering closing down or outsourcing their group buying ventures. We’re expecting to see more similar deals in the near future.



先週地元のニュースが報じたところでは、360buy が共同購買事業をアウトソースしようとしており、55Tuan がそれに手を挙げた中の1社で、この2社はその可能性について協議に入っているとの噂だ。

次は 360buy の番だ

2週間前、Ganji の共同購買事業を 55Tuan が引き取った後、360buy が動いた。Ftuan は既に kaixin001 の日替わりキャンペーンサイトの面倒を見ている。この領域に次々に飛び込んだインターネット企業は、今はみな考え直し、共同購買ベンチャーを閉じるかアウトソースすることを検討している。我々は近い将来、同様のディールがさらに出てくると見ている。

chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

This is what happened to the business of group buying. Groupon, a site that came out of nowhere in late 2008, had by 2010 rejected a 6 billion dollar offer from Google. This, of course, is nothing new in the Internet era. What’s different, what’s special about Groupon, is that its business model actually makes sense, in the sense that it actually makes money.

For Chinese Groupon wanna-bes, there are also additional benefits. Group buying thrives on thrift and efficiency instead of profligacy and wastefulness, two values that the most traditional of businessmen can identify with. Furthermore, the barrier to entry seems low, while first mover advantage seems high.


これが、共同購買ビジネスに対して起きたことだ。2008年後半に突如生まれたサイト Groupon は、2010年までには Google の 60億米ドルの買収提案を断っていた。もちろんこれは、インターネット時代ではさして新しい話ではない。Groupon が違うのは、彼らが特別なのは、実際にお金を稼げるという点でビジネスモデルに合理性があるということだ。

Groupon を目指す中国企業にとっては、さらなるメリットがあった。共同購買は、浪費やムダではなく、倹約や効率を追求しており、この2つの価値観は、最も伝統的なビジネスマンが共感するものだ。さらに、参入障壁は一見低く、1社目になるメリットは大きく見えた。