ベネット 真紀子 (ceecee) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ceecee English → Japanese
Original Text

If the musical evolution of Kate Eldridge is anything to go on, apparently living on the West Coast has something of a mellowing effect on a person.Back when she was living in New York, the vocalist/guitarist was all spitfire energy, leading her former band Cheeky to nitro-fueled pop-punk glory.She has since relocated to Seattle and the move has shaved off some of the more prickly edges of her musical attack.Make no mistake, Big Eyes rock and rock well, but this time around Eldridge is comfortable slowing the tempos down to a glammy/garage-rock stomp and giving the listeners a peck and a caress instead of a bite and a slap.The only carryover is the way Eldridge delivers these songs.



ceecee English → Japanese
Original Text

She still has a voice that seems custom made for rock music.Within it, you'll find a sassy whip crack akin to Mary Wells of the Shangri-Las mixed with the contemptuous swagger that Joan Jett and Brody Dalle do so well.It's a potent combination especially when sprinkled atop her fuzzed-up guitar work and the unflinching drive of Big Eyes' rhythm section.The songs on Almost Famous stick to the reliable rock template that we know and adore.The longest track barely jumps over the three-and-a-half minute mark.The lyrics address everyone's favorite concerns of love and lust, romance and heartbreak, losing a lover or telling him to get lost.It breaks no new ground, but it doesn't have to.



ceecee English → Japanese
Original Text

In order to use DHgate better , we would like to introduce DHgate to you first , DHgate is a platform for merchant and customer , we do not sell items nor ship items , merchants list items on our website and merchants buy them on our website .

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ceecee English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

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ceecee English → Japanese
Original Text

Brutus had been desperately unwilling to provoke a civil war, ready even to go into voluntary exile for the sake of concord.The pressure of events gradually drove him to a decision.When he left Italy, it was not with the plan already conceived of mustering the armies of the East, invading Italy and restoring the Republic through violence.He did not believe in violence. At Athens he looked about for allies, opened negotiations with provincial governors--but did not act at once. In any event, principles and honor commanded a Republican to resist the worst excesses of civil war. Lepidus was a Caesarian: but Brutus refused to concur in the hounding down of the family of Lepidus, who had married his own half-sister.

