ayunemo Translations

ID Unverified
About 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ayunemo English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

sorry to disturb you again!

the reason why i want to buy a 'smc PENTAX DA 55 300mm' from you is, that i want to replace my 'smc PENTAX DAL 50 200mm WR' with this one.

i bought this lens only a month ago and found that it cannot fulfill my requirements. After i receiving your DA 55 300 in the future, i think i need to sell my old DAL 50 200mm.

but i found that i cannot sell this lens on ebay as i'm a new guy, so i'd like to know whether you want my 'smc PENTAX DAL 50 200mm WR' ? this lens is totally new as i use it rarely, model is smc 50 DAL 200mm water-resistant.

lens was bought from Hong Kong, but i did'nt bring the receipt and the lens package with me.

thank you very much!



私が「smc PENTAX DA 55 300mm」を貴方から購入したい理由は、私が今所有している「smc PENTAX DAL 50 200mm WR」と交換したいためです。

このレンズは1か月前に購入したのですが、私の希望する必要条件を満たしていないことが分かりました。貴方からDA 55 300を購入したら、おそらく私のDAL 50 200mmを売らなければならないでしょう。

ただ、私はEbayでは新参者なので、このレンズを売れません。なので、貴方に私のsmc PENTAX DAL 50 200mm WRを購入を検討して頂けると幸いです。ほとんど使用していないので、レンズはまったくの新品同様です。モデルはsmc 50 DAL 200mm 防水です。

