ayunemo Translations

ID Unverified
About 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ayunemo English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We recently learned that someone was using an account to bid on or buy items without the account owner's permission. All associated fees have been credited to your account. Please note that we're working with the account owner to prevent any additional unauthorized activity.Your listings may be eligible for relisting through My eBay. If your listing is eligible, you'll see it in your "Unsold" section in My eBay. Listings that aren't eligible for relisting won't appear in the "Unsold" section.
We're sorry for any inconvenience, and we thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Here are the listings that were canceled:


調査の結果、最近、何者かが許可なくアカウント所有者のアカウントを使って入札、落札をしていたことが分かりました。諸費用はあなたのアカウントにチャージさrています。現在、アカウント所有者と協力して、これ以上、無許可のアクティビティが行われないよう対応にあたっています。あなたの出品アイテムは、My eBayから再出品することができるかと思います。再出品が可能なら、My eBayのUnsold欄にアイテムが表示されているはずです。再出品が不可能なアイテムは、Unsold欄に表示されません。

ayunemo English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Your item didn't sell this time, but with a few small changes to your listing you can increase your chances of selling. Here are a few tips to help you close the sale:

Price it to Sell
Consider following eBay's pricing recommendations along with Free Shipping.

Help buyers find your item
Create a title that accurately describes your item. Include details that help shoppers make an informed purchase, such as brand, size, color, and material.

Bring your item to life
Include photos that show multiple angles with a plain, uncluttered background. You can include 12 photos on your listing for FREE, excludes motor vehicle listings.




