ayapun Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

4.If the problem comes from the main device, we could advice our client to post the device back to our company for repair by ordinary post, or we could re-send a new one to our client. If the cost of posting the problematic device back to JIMY is more than the value of a new device, JIMY would take it into consideration, according to the actual status, apply to re-send a completely new device back to our client.
5.If the inferior equipemnt very big or expensive, not convenient to send back by post office, we will give you an appointed Hongkong place, you can send Hongkong first. Jimy will ask a cooperated forwarder to take it back. Jimy will pay all charges from Hongkong to our office.



ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

In line with the upcoming Echelon 2013, e27 listed us under top startups in the series of Satellite and Ignite events.

Tech journalist and Echelon moderator J. Angelo Racoma's expressed his view on role of Conyac for Business in the process of globalization:

"Globalization is one of the benefits of an increasingly connected world, although challenges can still arise. One such challenge is the transactional friction that comes with differences in language and culture. While automated applications like Google Translate can help bridge this gap with machine translation, there is no substitute for human intellect when it comes to accurately translating the varied nuances that come with each language and culture.



技術ジャーナリストでEchelonの司会を務めるJ・アンジェロ・ラコマ氏は、グローバル化を進めているConyac for Businessの役割について意見を述べた。

「まだ問題が生じる可能性はあるが、グローバル化は、ますます繋がっていく世界では利点の一つです。その問題の一つは、言語や文化の違いから生じるトランザクションの衝突です。Google Translateのような自動アプリは、機械による翻訳でギャップを埋める手助けをしてくれるが、それぞれの言語や文化に備わっている多様なニュアンスを正確に翻訳する場合は、人間の頭脳の代わりになるものはない。

ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Operation schematic drawing of Tripolar RF work head for face
① Massage the mandible center in circles to produce deep heat.
② Massage lower jaw in lines.
③ Massage the triangle zone of both sides of the face in circles.
④ Massage from jaw to angulus oris to ear in lines.
Technical parameters
Voltage: 110V/120V-220V/240V
Frequency: 50 Hz - 60Hz
Power: ≤95W
Output RF: 5MHz
Output supersound: 40KHz
N.W./G.W: 8KG/12KG
Body materials: PVC plastic
Packing size: 37*37*30cm

Accessories list
1. Mainframe
2. Power line
3. 40K cavitation explode work head
4. Hexpolar RF laser work head for body
5. Tripolar RF work head for face
6. Accessories bracket
7. User manual


周波数:50 Hz - 60Hz
電力: ≤95W
RF出力量: 5MHz
超音波出力量: 40KHz
正味重量:8KG 総重量:12KG
梱包サイズ: 37/37/30cm

1、 本体
2、 電力線
3、 40Kキャビテーション爆発ワークヘッド
4、 体用Hexpolar RFレーザーワークヘッド
5、 顔用多極RFワークヘッド
6、 付属品のブランケット
7、 取扱説明書

ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

Ticket to Ride - USA 1910 is an expansion that will keep you playing well into the next decade! Regardless of the version of Ticket to Ride you opt to play, the Ticket to Ride - USA 1910 deck will force even long time Ticket to Ride veterans to reconsider their well mapped-out strategies, and develop fresh tactics. It is sure to bring your family and friends hundreds of hours of further enjoyment, riding the rails across a new America!

181 Large Format Cards with 39 New Destination Tickets
Rule Booklet with 3 new ways to play
This is an expansion to the Ticket to Ride games, not a standalone game
Adds depth and complexity to the base game


チケットトゥライドUSA 1910は、この先10年は十分楽しめる拡張版です。チケットトゥライドのどのバージョンを楽しもうと、USA1910セットでは、チケットトゥライドの熟練者達でさえも、よく計画された策略を再考せざるをえなくなり、新たな策略を作り出さなければなりません。新しいアメリカを横断する列車に乗り、ご家族や友人にさらに楽しめる時間をもたらしてくれること間違いありません。


ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

Of the wisdom of raising up Caesar's heir, through violence arms against Antonius, there were clearly two opinions.Octavianus marched on Rome. When Brutus heard of these alarming transactions, he protested bitterly. Whatever be thought of those qualities which contemporaries admired as the embodiment of aristocratic virtus (without always being able to prevail against posterity or the moral standards of another age), Brutus was not only a sincere and consistent champion of legality,but in this matter all too perspicacious a judge of men and politics.Victory could only be won by adopting the adversary's weapons; and victory no less than defeat would be fatal to everything that an honest man and a patriot valued.



ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

Our company was selected as one of the 9 startups to pitch directly to a panel of judges at the Echelon Japan Satellite. Conyac for Business was the 3rd participant to pitch at the event, and even though we didn't win, we enjoyed watching other startup's presentations. They inspired us and gave us a better idea of what we should focus on in the future in order to continue the rapid growth in Asia.

The winner was TopAdmit, a Taiwan-based educational startup that provides a professional essay editing services for students. Congratulations to them and we hope to see them win the final Echelon competition!

If you missed the Satellites, you can still meet Conyac Team at the Echelon Startup Marketplace in Singapore.


わが社はエシュロン・ジャパン・サテライトで審査員へ直接ピッチするスタートアップの9社の一つに選ばれました。Conyac for Businessはそのイベントで3番目の参加者でした。わが社は勝てませんでしたが、他社のスタートアップのプレゼンを見て楽しみました。彼らのプレゼンに刺激され、アジアで急成長を続けるために将来何に焦点を当てればよいか、よいアイデアが浮かびました。


サテライトを見逃した方は、シンガポールで開催のエシュロン・スタートアップ・マーケットプレイスでConyac Teamにあえるでしょう。

ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

This is what Startup Dating's Rick Martin wrote about our CEO's pitch:
"We’ve heard from Conyac a few times before, so regular readers are likely somewhat familiar with this service. Naoki Yamada pitched the startups offering for business, explaining that their crowdsourced translation solution can provide quick translations for businesses for a low price. As a typical business use case, he gave the example of a 10-slide powerpoint presentation, which was translated in five hours and cost $36. In comparison to competing services, Naoki explained that on their platform translators can be educated by more experienced translators, thus giving them an opportunity to improve themselves."



ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

Once again my shipement is on backorder.

I tried to order everything that was on your list however the only thing that was delivered was:

10-Nanoblock White House
10- TOTAL of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building.

I think that break down was 5 each of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State, but I can't be sure......there are 10 of these size kits.

Total for all of that is only $480. Sorry that the rest of the items didn't get delivered in time. When they arrive, I will email you and if need be I can hold them for a little while until your next purchase date.

Would you like me to invoice you the $480 or create a listing for you?





10-Nanoblock White House
10- TOTAL of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building

the Statue of Libertyと Empire Stateがそれぞれ5個不足していると思われますが、確かではありません。これらのサイズの箱が10箱あります。


$480 で請求書をお送りいたしましょうか。それとも、リストを作成いたしましょうか。


ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

What are the member roles?

"Admin" has full authority for its group and member settings. Admin can purchase points and access request details for entire organization.

"Managers" have full access to payment and request history of the organization. However, they cannot edit group settings or purchase points.

"Members" can participate in the group by making a request with the organization's points. They have limited access to organization's profile, as they can only view own payment and request history.

Conyac for Business strives to bring the best translation experience and support flawless international communication.

For free trial send us an email request with username to info@any-door.com.






Conyac for Businessは、最高の翻訳経験を持ち、完璧な国際交流をサポートすることに努めています。


ayapun English → Japanese
Original Text

But what if you need to prepare a presentation for your clients from another country? International business is always though, but with the help of our translators you can easily impress clients with a presentation in their own language. Presenters who engage with their audience well typically become calmer and more composed. Our team of experienced and verified translators is here to ensure you have enough time to focus on rehearsing your speech while they translate your slides.

anydooR Inc. is giving away free translation credit to the first 50 companies that register with Conyac for Business and send an email request with their username to info@any-door.com.

Translate your presentation today > and for free!



anydooR Inc.は、Conyac for Businessに登録し、彼らのユーザーネームでinfo@any-door.com.へメールリクエストを送っている会社、先着50社に、無料で翻訳サービスを提供致します。
