ailing-mana Translations

4.8 2 reviews
ID Verified
Almost 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
Culture Law
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ailing-mana English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Thank you for your email regarding the knee brace you sold. I understand that the buyer opened a return because they wanted two of these and though that it was a pair, but it isn't. I'm sorry to hear that things didn't go as expected. I know how frustrating that can be. I would be happy to help you.

At this point I would reach out to your buyer and let them know that the listing was only for one item and not two.This might help them with any confusion they have.

You're listing does state that you do not accept returns so rather or not you want to accept the return at this point it up to you.


あなたが販売したknee brace (ニーブレース、方づえ)に関してメールをいただきありがとうございます。。バイヤーが返品を要求しているのは、その商品はペアだったのですが、バイヤーはそれを2つ欲しかったけれど、実際は違った(1つしかなかった)、からだと私は理解しています。この件が期待通りにうまく運ばずに残念です。どんなにかいらいらされたかお察しします。喜んでこの件に関してあなたをサポートさせていただきます。



ailing-mana English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your concern. We appreciate customers who let us know when things aren’t right. I understand how important for you to have your limtis increased. I'm sorry to hear that this didn't go smoothly, rest assure that this will be highly appreciated and assisted and will not be taken for granted. By the way my name is Arvie from eBay Customer Service and I will be more happy to help you with this concern today.

Sayoko, I have thoroughly reviewed your account and previous conversation with my collegue and it seems you were informed about what the review's results.




ailing-mana English → Japanese
Original Text

I don't understand though, we have done multiple transactions before and nothing like this happened. This is the first time.

I have asked her about the package EL017835905JP, but she said that we cannot do anything now but wait for it to see what happens to it.

Here is an old tracking number:

So from the 3rd to the 7th row of this picture, the item moved from San Francisco -> Denver -> Laramie -> Delivered.
However, the current tracking number, which is the picture at the bottom, did not even move to Denver. You may check all the numbers from your previous packages to see this pattern. This current package, never made it to my local post office here in my city.




この写真の3から7列目を見ると、商品はSan Francisco -> Denver -> Laramie と配達されています。

ailing-mana English → Japanese
Original Text

Before I emailed you I asked my post office here with the tracking number, and they said the package never arrived to this city of Laramie at all. I realized that I did not remember that part and I checked an old tracking number from one of your previous packages. My post office here in this city said that the package must arrive to THIS city of Laramie, before I can ask for it to be held. I have asked that all packages that are sent to be, are to be held and NOT returned unless I have specifically told them to return it. The lady worker here said that she cannot do anything about it, but we must wait for it to be returned and there could be a letter indicating why it was returned to you.

