Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

4.9 28 reviews
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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) French English Spanish
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We have noticed over the last two months you have completed 14 TCSS orders to ship to Japan to your company address Dynamic Corporation.
The orders placed have included multiples of the same styles & have been placed very regularly
As part of TCSS policy, we are obliged to investigate all international orders purchased through our online store that appear likely to be used to resell in the destination country. TCSS has a distribution agreement in Japan & therefore cannot sell product to a third party if this is being resold.

Can you please confirm that you are not reselling TCSS product? We will no longer be able to fulfill your orders if your intentions are to on sell the product in Japan.


弊社は過去2か月間にわたり、日本の御社Dynamic Corporationの住所に発送するTCSSの注文14 を完了したことを通知してまいりました。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

In Min, the land owner is spending about P10,000 per hectare until ready for transplanting

In other areas, such as in Pangasi, the running rental rate is P1,800 per hectare for single passing and P3,600 per hectare for double passing. Or the land owner is spending about P7,200 per hectare until ready for transplanting.

For the Transplanter the running rate is P4,000 per hectare.

We are looking about 150 units of Harvester, 150 units of Tractor and 150 units of Transplanter of sales for Min Province only.

We also can do land tilling contract
We will manage and finance and just give the land owner about 30 sacks of palay per year for 2 crops harvest
Or 40 sacks of palay for areas that can have 3 crop harvest per year.







3_yumie7 Japanese → English
Original Text


寿司の握り方8ステップ 小手返し
人差し指と中指で上からおさえる ⑤と同じ


Please collaborate to create "Voice of customers"!
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The point of improvement and requests are welcome! Write your honest opinion.

How to make Sushi 8 steps Kote-kaeshi
Make a small ball of rice and press top and bottom of the rice ball with your thumb and index finger.
Make a dent in the middle of the rice ball with your index finger.
Open your left hand and roll the rice ball toward the top of the finger.
Put the rice ball to the original position by pushing the both side of the rice ball with thumb and index finger.
Push the rice ball from above with you index finger and middle finger.
Semi-rotate it clockwise.
Push the rice ball both side again.
Push the rice ball from above with your index finger and middle finger like 5.