にんきちゃん (12ninki_chan) Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
English Tagalog Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
12ninki_chan English → Japanese
Original Text

I made a mistake and had my old email address on my ebay account. The correct and updated email address for your to send the $517 through is email **@**.net. Do NOT send it to **@**. If you can do that asap we can get rolling on sending it out to you. Sorry about the mixup, haven't ebayed in a little while!
If you're talking about the amp having any fan noise the answer is no. The amp when on is very quiet because I have it in a gig bag. The amp hasn't experienced any overheating and I've never had it over half volume (pre gain and gain) The amp is incredibly powerful yet maintains it's warmth almost tube-like quality. I believe the model is an M-800 Blue Light 1200w unit. Definitely puts out!


私は誤って、私のeBayアカウントに古いEメールアドレスをのせていました。あなたに517ドルを送金するための、正確かつ最新のEメールアドレスは、**@**です。** @**に送信しないでください。あなたはできるだけ早くそれを行うことができるならば、我々はあなたにそれを送ることに取り掛かることができます。混乱の件は申し訳ありません。少しの間、ebayにアクセスしませんでした! あなたがアンプからのファンの雑音がすることについて話しているなら、答えはノーだ。私はギグ·バッグで持っているので、非常に静かであるアンペア。彼アンプは、過熱を経験していないと私はアンプは信じられないほど強力で、まだそれは暖かさのほぼチューブ状の品質を維持して半分の容量(プリゲインとゲイン)の上にそれを持っていたことがない。私は、モデルがM-800ブルー·ライト1200ワット単位であると考えています。確かに出して!

12ninki_chan English → Japanese
Original Text

Then he set out from home toward the army, according to his uncle's instructions (for that is what he called him). Many were eager to accompany him on account of his great promise but he rejected them all, even his mother herself, and selecting the speediest and strongest of his servants he hastened on his journey and with incredible dispatch he covered the long road and approached Caesar, who had already completed the whole war in the space of seven months.When Octavius reached Tarraco it was hard to believe that he had managed to arrive in so great a tumult of war. Not finding Caesar there, he had to endure more trouble and danger. He caught up with Caesar in Spain near the city of Calpia.



12ninki_chan English → Japanese
Original Text

This however he could not now do on account of his attack of sickness. Accordingly, he left him behind in the care of a number of persons who were to take particular charge of his mode of life; and giving orders that if Octavius should grow strong enough, he was to follow him, he went off to the war. The eldest son of Pompeius Magnus had got together a great force in a short time, contrary to the expectations of everyone, with the intention of avenging his father's death, and, if possible, of retrieving his father's defeat. Octavius, left behind in Rome, in the first place gave his attention to gaining as much physical strength as possible, and soon he was sufficiently robust.



12ninki_chan English → Japanese
Original Text

When he found that his mother was opposed he said nothing by way of argument but remained at home. It was plain that Caesar, out of solicitude for them, did not wish him to take the field yet, lest he might bring on illness to a weak body through changing his mode of life and thus permanently injure his health. For this cause he took no part in the expedition. After finishing that war also, Caesar returned to Rome, having granted pardon to a very few of the captives who fell to him because they had not learned wisdom in the earlier wars. Then the following incident occurred: there was a particular associate and friend of Octavius, who had been educated at the same place and who was a very special friend of his.



12ninki_chan English → Japanese
Original Text

His brother was with Cato and treated with much respect; he had participated in the Libyan War, but was at this time taken captive. Although Octavius had never yet asked anything of Caesar he wanted to beg the prisoner off, but he hesitated because of modesty and at the same time because he saw how Caesar was disposed toward those who had been captured in that war. However, he made bold to ask it, and had his request granted. Thereupon he was very glad at having rescued a brother for his friend and he was praised by others for employing his zeal and right of intercession first of all for a friend's safety.After this Caesar celebrated his triumphs for the Libyan War and the others which he had fought;



12ninki_chan English → Japanese
Original Text

I've tried to quit smoking, drinking, and in fact, I did manage to quit.
But I found excessive use of the Internet goes to the point where it disrupts one's life...
...or causes severe stress on family, friends or work environment.
Let's face the reality,...
...how long can you go without the Internet or your personal computer?
Oh, I can't imagine myself spending my day without sitting in front of my laptop.
Like you said, I also think it is one addiction that most people find difficult to quit.
But for most women, I guess shopping would also be difficult to quit.
Well, since there is an escalating number of metrosexuals,...
...men also might agree with my opinion.



12ninki_chan English → Japanese
Original Text

Anyways, there even is a word "shopaholic" which means someone who is addicted to shopping.
When I get depressed, I go shopping,...
...and when I'm happy, I also go shopping!
When I get really stressed, I go out and shop, and I feel much better.
It seems like shopping is the hardest addiction for me.
It's tough, but I will seek another activity or hobby to replace those addictions so I can quit.

Plastic Surgery.
Do you know anyone around you who has had cosmetic plastic surgery?
I met one of my ex - colleagues the other day,...
...and I couldn't recognize her at first because she had a totally different look.




12ninki_chan English → Japanese
Original Text

What do you like about them?
I mean no offense here, but most women at your age, tend to read a lot of fashion or food magazines,...
..not magazines on current events.
Well, I'm a long time subscriber.
I have been a subscriber to "Time" for over, let me count the days 15 years now.
I love reading those opinion - based news articles,...
...and that's why I choose to read "Time" magazine.
These days, you can basically read almost all magazine articles on the Internet,...
...in fact, a variety of articles.
But I like hard copies, because I can keep them for a longer period of time,...
...and I can always refer back to them.


私は上に、私は15歳、今日数えてみましょう、 "time"を加入されている。