Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 28 Mar 2016 at 18:49

aijne 50

初収録となる新曲は、星野靖彦氏、多胡邦夫氏、中野雄太氏による楽曲で、誰もが待ち望んでいたこれぞ“浜崎あゆみ”と言わんばかりの歌に仕上がっている。そこに、2012年に各方面で話題となった「You & Me」「Song 4 u」といった楽曲が加わり、ひとつの物語として綴られた圧倒的なクオリティのアルバムが完成!
映像は、video clipとmaking clipそれぞれ7本ずつ計14本収録。


The newly composed and recorded song created by Yasuhiko Hoshino , Kunio Tago , and Yuta Nakano is the song everyone was waiting for. This song has been completed, and it is not just called "AYUMI HAMASAKI". Here, the songs which dominated the topic of various fields in 2012, "You & Me" and "Song 4 U", are combined into one story to complete an album of overwhelming quality.
There are a total of 17 videos, including video clips and clips on the making of the album.

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Additional info: ■浜崎あゆみ
アーティスト名は「AYUMI HAMASAKI」に統一下さい。