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Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 19 Dec 2014 at 14:58
2016年主要国首脳会議長野県誘致推進協議会は、12月25日、軽井沢大賀ホールで「長野県・軽井沢サミット誘致推進シンポジウム in 軽井沢大賀ホール」を開催する。
The summit meeting on Nagano Promotion Committee 2016 will hold "the Nagano Karuizawa summit promotion symposium in Karuizawa Ohga Hall" at the Ohga Hall, Karuizawa on December 25th.
The purpose is to enhance the momentum in the prefecture and deepen the understanding of the summit to residents toward the promotion for the summit planned to be held in Japan in 2016.
The Nagano prefectural assembly adopted the summit promotion on July 4th. Shuichi Abe, the Nagano prefectural governor, officially declared the summit promotion. To proceed this with the cooperation of the government and private together, the Promotion Committee consisted of concerned bodies was newly launched.