Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 06 Jul 2014 at 18:58

tensei3013 52 会社では、光学機器分野の修理マニュアルの英日、日英の翻訳の経験あり

Q: What’s involved with being a Raw user?
A: The Raw collection is designed for single-origin coffee drinkers. Ideally, your Raw Canadiano should be used with only one type of coffee. The Raw pieces will absorb the specific characteristics and flavors of your coffee and deliver an evolving coffee experience over time.
The Raw editions require a bit more maintenance after each use, and you will need to make sure that you apply the Canadiano Conditioning Oil regularly. This really depends on how frequently you use your Canadiano. Like fine leather, wood requires special care to stay in good condition. The Conditioning Oil is a self drying natural oil that keeps your Canadiano in a stable condition.


A:ロウのコレクションは、シングルオリジンコーヒーを飲む人ために考え出されています。理想的にはロウ カナディアノは、コーヒー1種類のみで使用する必要があります。ロウのピースは、特定な特性やあなたのコーヒーの香りを吸収し、時間をかけてコーヒー体験をお届けします。

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