Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / Native Japanese / 1 Review / 27 May 2014 at 11:58

ekyab 50

私は今USPSとJapan Postに配達の証明を請求している。後日添付し渡せるだろう。

だかそれはポリシー違反ではないとアマゾンの違う部署で回答された。[Case 201941761]


Amazon said that the reason why the refund to the buyer is no evidence of my delivery.
I claimed the acknowledgment of the delivery to USPS and Japan Post now. I will send it later.
This is a perfect proof of delivery for recipient's sign.

However, Amazon said something new to my suggestion about that. Delivery delaying is a violation to the policy, and payment was returned. But other department said that described above is not a violation to the policy. [Case 201941761]

Reviews ( 1 )

yuko_kubodera rated this translation result as ★★★★ 27 May 2014 at 12:05

Amazon said that the reason why the refund to the buyer is no evidence of my delivery.
I claimed the acknowledgment of the delivery to USPS and Japan Post now. I will send it later.
This is a perfect proof of delivery for recipient's sign.

However, Amazon said something new to my suggestion about that. Delivery delaying is a violation to the policy, and payment was returned. But other department said that described above is not a violation to the policy. [Case 201941761]

Amazon said that the reason of the refund to the buyer is no evidence of my delivery.
I claimed the acknowledgment of the delivery to USPS and Japan Post now. I will send it to you later.
This is a perfect proof of delivery because it has a recipient's sign.

However, Amazon said something new to my suggestion about that. Delivery delaying is a violation to the policy, and payment was returned. But other department said that described above is not a violation to the policy. [Case 201941761]


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