Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 51 / 0 Reviews / 31 Dec 2013 at 23:52

am_me99 51 I love translating mangas.

この間までクリスマスだと思ってたら 2014年がはじまりましたね。


ちなみに私は1/1日の朝7時から 福袋を買うために デパートに並びます。

これは 友達との毎年の恒例行事になってます。

わいわい言いながら行列に並んでると 時間がたつのが早いですよ。

そもそも 福袋ってしってますか?

中身は見えないんですけど お得な商品が入っている毎年新年恒例の商品なんです。



I didn't realize it's Christmas already until recently, and then it will be 2014, isn't it.

This Christmas, I made these cakes for children. (Laughs)

By the way, I would get in line from 7:00 in the morning of January 1 in a department store from to buy fukubukuro (happy bag).

This has become an annual thing that I do together with my friends.

Chatting with each other while in line, I tell you, time flies so fast.

By the way, first of all, do you know what a fukubukuro is?

Although one can't see the contents inside, it's a yearly custom that a special item is placed inside every year.

It's called a happy bag elsewhere, isn't it?

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