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Bright as he is, Bill Gates never tried to take the credit for all of Microsoft's success. His willingness to acknowledge the talent of others in his field was crucial. As Fortune magazine once observed: 'Microsoft has been led by a man widely recognized as a genius in his own right, who has had the foresight to recognize the genius in others.'
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Gates was never one to suffer technological fools gladly. 'I don't hire bozos', he said. In some quarters his attitude has been seen as elitist and provoked criticism. But it has a number of positive effects. The company is able to recruit many brilliant students straight from college who are attracted by the prospect of working with the very best.
抜け目のないBill Gates氏は決してマイクロソフトの成功を全て自分の手柄にしようとはしなかった。彼と同じ分野にいる他人の才能を快く受け入れる姿勢は素晴しかった。あるときフォーチュン誌では、このような見解が述べられていた:「マイクロソフトは自力で天才と認識されていた男によって指揮されていたが、彼は他人の才能をも見出す洞察力を持っていた。」