Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 31-2 •Leverage your bits off. Gates successfully leveraged Microsoft'...

Original Texts
PAGE 31-2
•Leverage your bits off.
Gates successfully leveraged Microsoft's dominant market position to establish its own versions of new applications. True, Microsoft may have overdone things a little, at least in the eyes of some authorities. The principle remains though, if you have power, use it to your advantage -within the law, of course.

PAGE 35-3
'I’m certainly able to use all the products we have', he said, 'but I can't possibly review all the code. My role is more to do with the strategy and the direction people are moving in and how well they work together. There's a lot of invention going on and I have to pick which things are important and express them to the user. It's all very critical.'
Translated by twooclockhigh
PAGE 31-2
ゲイツは、市場でのマイクロソフトの独占的立場を利用して、新しいアプリケーションを広めることに成功した。実際問題、何人かの専門家からは、マイクロソフトは少しやりすぎではないか、との意見もある。もちろん、「力を持っているなら、それを有効に活用すべし。 ただし法律の許す範囲で」という原則はいまだ有効である。

PAGE 35-3

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
twooclockhigh twooclockhigh