Notice of Conyac Termination

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Regarding 1 on 1 •The members will have weekly meetings with the managers b...

This requests contains 186 characters and is related to the following tags: "Business" . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( oushiu , bluejeans71 , uchimaki_japan ) and was completed in 0 hours 12 minutes .

Requested by techfund at 04 May 2024 at 16:03 1884 views
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- メンバーは基本的にマネージャーと週1回の定期打ち合わせ=1on1を行っていただきます。ここでOKRの進捗を問われると思いますので、報告の準備をして臨みましょう。また、自分のOKRが未設定または変更する必要がある場合、1on1で自分からマネージャーに設定・変更を依頼しましょう。
- 稼働が契約内容を上回る場合は事前にマネージャーに連絡相談をお願いします。

Rating 59
Translation / English
- Posted at 04 May 2024 at 16:19
Regarding 1 on 1
•The members will have weekly meetings with the managers based on 1 on 1. The managers will inquire about the progress of OKRs , so be ready for those inquiries at the meetings. Also, the members are expected to ask the managers on 1 on 1 if their OKRs are not established or need to be changed.
•Please contact the managers in advance if their operating time exceeds what is written in the contract.
Rating 56
Translation / English
- Posted at 04 May 2024 at 16:14
About 1on1

- Members are basically expected to have a regular meeting, or 1on1, with their manager once a week. You can expect to be asked about the progress of your OKR here, so prepare your report in advance. Also, if your OKR is not set or needs to be changed, request the manager to set or change it during the 1on1.
- If your work exceeds the contract content, please contact and consult with your manager in advance.
Rating 53
Translation / English
- Posted at 04 May 2024 at 16:16
About 1-on-1 Meetings
- Members are expected to have a weekly regular meeting, known as a 1-on-1, with their manager. Be prepared to report on the progress of your OKRs during these meetings. Additionally, if your OKRs are not yet set or need to be changed, request the setting or modification from your manager during the 1-on-1.
- If your work exceeds the contracted content, please consult with your manager in advance.


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