[Translation from Portuguese (Brazil) to Japanese ] fiz contato com a fedex pedi que me enviassem o boleto de pagamento me deram ...

This requests contains 218 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( liminha , cintia_mogi ) and was completed in 3 hours 24 minutes .

Requested by afayk604 at 24 Jul 2022 at 08:19 1195 views
Time left: Finished

fiz contato com a fedex pedi que me enviassem o boleto de pagamento me deram o email entrei e não me deram o boleto muito enrolado meu amigo peço o cancelamento mesmo que tenha prejuizo ,não compro mais nada via fedex.

Rating 61
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 24 Jul 2022 at 09:25
Rating 48
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 24 Jul 2022 at 11:44
このような場合、私は、fedexに連絡し、支払い伝票を送ってもらうよう依頼しました。彼らは、Eメールを教えてくれたし、私は入力しましたが、伝票はくれませんでした。私はキャンセルをお願いしています。 たとえ損失が出ても、もうFedexでは何も買いません。
★☆☆☆☆ 1.0/1


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