[Translation from Portuguese (Brazil) to Japanese ] fico aguardando posicionamento ,pois das outras vezes tirei a guia nos correi...

This requests contains 328 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( liminha , taga_2019 ) and was completed in 0 hours 31 minutes .

Requested by afayk604 at 20 Jul 2022 at 18:23 1052 views
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fico aguardando posicionamento ,pois das outras vezes tirei a guia nos correios do brasil da receita federal ,para retirada da mercadoria ,não me foi avisado com antecedencia que o valor da taxa seria de 60 dolares desde já fico no aguardo ,quanto ao cancelamento caso haja me diga qual será minha devoluçao em valores se houver

Rating 50
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jul 2022 at 18:34
Rating 48
Translation / Japanese
- Posted at 20 Jul 2022 at 18:54
私は手数料の値が60ドルになることを事前に警告されていないのです。前回, 連邦政府の歳入の郵便局でガイドを取ったので、商品を撤回をすることができました。もしキャンセルがあれば値で私の偏差がどうなるのか教えてください。決定を待っております。


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