[Translation from Japanese to English ] We sold $195,283 of this product as of April 2018 over the internet. This pr...

This requests contains 201 characters and is related to the following tags: "Business" . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( kamitoki , kimie , kj0801yoshi ) and was completed in 1 hour 15 minutes .

Requested by ryosuke827 at 25 May 2019 at 01:57 2008 views
Time left: Finished



Rating 55
Translation / English
- Posted at 25 May 2019 at 03:12
We sold $195,283 of this product as of April 2018 over the internet.
This product has a unit price of 14000 yen. operating it with the smartphone can let you practice swings.
It can be used easily at a low price therefore it's very popular.
But it doesn't use a ball so you can't practice using the mitt on the ball.
That is the point that is different with your company's product.

This is the new version of the same product.
An examples case for April 2019.
Sold $195,283.
In this way we are able to do sales every time a new product comes out.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 25 May 2019 at 02:58
This product has sold $140,656 on the internet in April 2018.
Each product costs 14000 yen and allows you to practice swing by connecting to a smartphone.
This is so popular because you can use it easily with such a low price.
However, you can't practice focussing on balls as it won't involve actual balls.
This is the different point between your company's products.

This is the new version for the same product.
This is an example for the month of April in 2019.
It sold $195,283.
Just like this, you can sell every time when new products are out.

ryosuke827 likes this translation
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 25 May 2019 at 03:28
This product sold out $140,656 on the internet on April, 2018.
This product can practice golf swings by linking to a smartphone for an unit price of 14000 yen.
It is popular for it’s reasonable price and handiness.
Although since it does not use a ball, smash practice is unable.
This point is varies from your company’s product.

This is the new model of the same product.
Case from April,2019.
Sold $195,283.
In this way, it is available for sale everytime a new product is made.
ryosuke827 likes this translation


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