Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] We’ve never had a goal for you to use your iPhone a lot We make money if we ...

Original Texts
We’ve never had a goal for you to use your iPhone a lot

We make money if we can convince you to buy an iPhone… but I don't want you using the product a lot

What we want to build are products ... to enrich your life. … Do something you couldn't do without it. … That’s what gets us excited.

Cook said he was surprised at how much even he picked up his phone – “around 200” times a day.

“I would have guessed less than half” of that amount, he said.

A fix is defined differently for you and I and everyone. … You know, what might be reasonable for me might be totally unreasonable for my neighbor.

I get notes from parents all the time,” he said. “They have great ideas. And I'm sure there will be more things that we will do.
Translated by huihuimelon
私たちはあなたに iPhone をたくさん使わせることのゴールを設定したことはかつてありませんでした。

あなたに iPhoneを買ってもらえるように仕向ければお金が得られます… が私はあなたにこの製品をたくさん使って欲しくありません。

私たちがやりたいことは製品を作り上げることです。あなたの生活をより豊かにするためにです。 それなしにはできないことを何かやってみてください。それが私たちをワクワクさせてくれるのです。




私はいつでも両親からのアイディアを得てきました」と彼は言いました。「彼らは 素晴らしいアイディアを持っています。私は確信しています。私たちのできることはもっとたくさんあるということを。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
39 minutes
huihuimelon huihuimelon
