[Translation from Japanese to English ] Thank you for your reply. As I do not understand English very well, I am ver...

This requests contains 225 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( gavin_burns_1992 , fillygee , ka28310 , kabuki7 ) and was completed in 0 hours 28 minutes .

Requested by bellbelle0yk at 19 Jul 2016 at 23:35 1428 views
Time left: Finished

Global Shipping Programはセラーにも保証があるとのことで、「Didn't receive an item」としてケースを開く・・・というのは今回の場合、少し違うと思うので戸惑っています。

Rating 44
Translation / English
- Posted at 19 Jul 2016 at 23:40
Thank you for your reply.
As I do not understand English very well, I am very sorry for asking questions many times.
At first, can I request the refund for the amount of money which I paid by way of this inquiry?
I heard that Global Shipping Program provides coverage for the seller as well, so I am a little puzzled because I think that opening a new case as "Didn't receive an item"does not fit with the situation that I am coming across.
Also would the item be sent to back to the seller?
I am looking forward to your reply.
bellbelle0yk likes this translation
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 20 Jul 2016 at 00:25
I appreciate your reply.
I am sorry that I ask you some questions many times because I can not completely understand English.
First of all, by this inquiry, can I ask you to refund the money that I paid?
I have heard that Global Shipping Program guarantees for sellers, but I am hesitating to open the case dealing it as "Didn't receive an item" this time because I feel it is not worthy of the assurance.
And will the item be sent back to the seller?
Thank you.
bellbelle0yk likes this translation
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 20 Jul 2016 at 00:03
Thank you for your reply.
My English isn't perfect, so I apologise for asking so many questions.
Firstly, am I able to ask for a refund on the picture I paid for?
The Global Shipping Program and the seller both have a guarantee, but a case of "didn't receive and item" has opened .... I think this is incorrect, so I am a little confused.
So, will the item be returned to sender?
Thank you for your time.
bellbelle0yk likes this translation
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 20 Jul 2016 at 00:13
Thank you for your reply.
I do not fully understand English, so I apologize for asking so many questions.
Firstly, am I able to request a refund on the amount I paid using this inquiry?
I am told that the Global Shipping Program has a warranty for the seller too, so I am confused as in this situation I don't think it is right to open a case under "Didn't receive an item".
Also, will the item be returned back to the seller?
Thank you in advance.
bellbelle0yk likes this translation


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