[Translation from Japanese to English ] An error occurs at the installation stage. So far I have uploaded the file...

This requests contains 235 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( hhanyu7 , ka28310 , kabuki7 ) and was completed in 0 hours 37 minutes .

Requested by monbran at 18 Jun 2016 at 02:01 1886 views
Time left: Finished





[deleted user]
Rating 44
Translation / English
- Posted at 18 Jun 2016 at 02:38
An error occurs at the installation stage.

So far I have uploaded the file and changed ABC’s name.
What should I do to solve the error?
Please take care of it.

1. I don’t want to write the number of downloads and the number views being written in the database. As I run the site, the volume of the database will become huge.
2. Function to automatically erase data within ABC’s file periodically
3. Function to automatically erase cache data periodically

I would be delighted if I could choose ON/OFF for the functions above on management screen.
Rating 60
Translation / English
- Posted at 18 Jun 2016 at 02:46
when installing, I received an error message.

I have already finished uploading ABC file and renaming it.
How do I fix the error?
Please let me know.

1. I want the database no to show the number of downloading and views to avoid the bloated database as an administrator to run the site.
2. I want to have a function to automatically and regularly delete data within ABC's folder.
3. I want to have a function to regularly clear a cache.

It would be great if there would be On/Off buttons for the functions above within the admin screen.
Rating 44
Translation / English
- Posted at 18 Jun 2016 at 02:08
I come across a fatal error in installing the software.

I have uploaded the file, and completed to change the name of ABC.
Can you tell me how I can resolve the error?
I would like you to support my issue.

1. I would like not to write the number of download and the count of view into the database. While I am running the site, the size of the database becomes enlarged too much.
2. The function to delete the data in ABC folder automatically and periodically.
3. The function to delete cache data automatically and periodically.

I would be happy if I can select ON and OFF of the functions mentioned above in the management page.
monbran likes this translation
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 18 Jun 2016 at 03:05
An error occurs while installing.

I finished uploading the file and modifying its name to ABC.
How should I do solve this error?
I would like you to solve it for me.

1. I do not want to let the number of downloads and accesses be written into the database. As I run my website, I am worried that the total amount of database will increase.
2. The function that delete the files in the folder of ABC regularly and automatically.
3. The function that delete the cache data regularly and automatically.

I would like to switch active or inactive of the above functions on the admin page.


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