[Translation from Japanese to English ] Thank you for your e-mail. Regarding setting the price when sending, I under...

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Requested by lw1a at 17 Aug 2015 at 19:21 1712 views
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送付時の価格設定に関してはそちらの国の関税の事情も理解できます Ebayのルールでは私はあなたに商品を無事届けるまで責任がございます。商品はEMSにて保険をかけてお送りいたします。もしアンダーバリューにした場合、申請価格が補償金額になります。従いましてあなたが万が一商品が破損して届いても一切、私がその責任を負うことが出来ません。従いまして

Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Aug 2015 at 19:27
Thank you for your e-mail.
Regarding setting the price when sending, I understand the situation of the customs in your country.
The rule of eBay says that I have to be responsible until you receive the item. The item is insured by EMS.
If it is undervalued, the amount of filing will be the amount of compensation. For this reason, if the item is broken when you receive it, I am not responsible for it.
Under this kind of situation, I cannot agree to your suggestion.
I hope that you understand it.
lw1a likes this translation
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Aug 2015 at 19:28
Thank you for your email.
I can understand the situation of customs with regard to the pricing for sending. According to the rule of Ebay, I have to take a responsibility to deliver the goods safely to you. The goods will be sent over with the insurance of EMS. If you were to under-value, the application price will be the amount of compensation. Therefore, in case of the goods reach you by any damage, I can not take a responsible with that. So I can not agree to your proposal. I hope you understand it.


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