[Translation from Japanese to English ] How are you doing? In Japan Bon holiday is over and I came back to work toda...

This requests contains 240 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( transcontinents , htto , redpanda ) and was completed in 0 hours 12 minutes .

Requested by rockinjams at 17 Aug 2015 at 18:23 2925 views
Time left: Finished




Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Aug 2015 at 18:28
How are you doing?
In Japan Bon holiday is over and I came back to work today.
Regarding serum material, it takes time to translate so please give me about one week.
The material I will send you is attachment translated into Japanese.
Effects of proteoglycan on human body by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare are written in this material.
Does this suffice for the material you requested?

Please let me know the schedule of how you will proceed this business.
Also, how many pieces would you like for the quotation I sent to you the other day?

About light tuck, I'm analyzing risks now.
〇, what kind of risks do you think light truck business will face?
[deleted user]
Rating 51
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Aug 2015 at 18:37
How are you?
Obon vacation is over in Japan and start working today.
We need a week more for the Serm documents it takes time to translate.
What I am going to send is the attached documents translated into Japanese.
It says the affects of proteoglycan's MHLW and so on.
Your offer's documents are all right with these contents?

Please tell me your schedule that how you are going to proceed this business.
How many would you like that i sent you the invoice the other day?

We have been analyzing the risk of the mini truck business.
What kind of risks on the mini truck business do you think there are?
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Aug 2015 at 18:35
How are you doing?
We got back to work from today because Obon holidays were over in Japan.
Please give me one more week to translate about documents of Serum. The documents which I sent is same one in Jaoanese as I attached which contains the effect of Proteoglycan on human body from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Is this the one you asked?

Please let us know what you are thinking about this and schedule. Also I would like to know how much you need our last estimate?
We are analyzing the risk of mini truck business. Do you think there are any risk of having a mini truck business?
[deleted user]
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Aug 2015 at 18:46
I wish you are doing well.
From today, Japanese will begin working ,which means long bon vacation finished at yesterday.
As for document of Serum, I need time for translation ,therefore I would be happy if you could give me one more week.
The document which I will send you is Japanese translated version of Attached file.
In this document, you could find efficacy of ministry of health, labor and welfare's proteoglycan toward human body, etc.
Would this documentation suit your request?

Would you please introduce me further schedule for this business?
And, as for the assumption I sent you yesterday, how many sticks do you need?

Currently I am analyzing a risk of light truck business.
Do ○ deem if there is any sort of risk for light truck business?
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Aug 2015 at 18:40
How are you?
Bon vacation in Japan was over and from today we start to work.
Regarding with the article of Serum, could you give me about a week more please? Because it takes time to translate.
I will sent an attachment article which translated to Japanese.
It refers to efficacy of proteoglycan in the human body which prepared by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Is the contents okay according to your request?

Please tell me how you move on this business with further schedule.
Also, regarding quotations which I sent the other day, how many pieces would you like to get?

For the business of light truck, we are analyzing the risk.
Do you think what kind of risks there are in the business of light truck?


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