Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

[Translation from Japanese to English ] We have replied to you. We look forward to hearing from you. We are also ne...

This requests contains 220 characters and is related to the following tags: "Business" . It has been translated 2 times by the following translator : ( lebron_2014 ) and was completed in 0 hours 11 minutes .

Requested by kazuhiko at 14 Oct 2014 at 00:49 1423 views
Time left: Finished



Japan has a dedicated XX dealer that you will have to work though, we cant supply your market.
The best bet is for you to contact XX direct.

[deleted user]
Rating 44
Translation / English
- Posted at 14 Oct 2014 at 00:55
We have replied to you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
We are also negotiating with another seller.
We would like to buy your other items at wholesale prices.
kazuhiko likes this translation
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 14 Oct 2014 at 01:10
We have responded to you.
We will be looking forward to your answer.

We are also negotiating with other sellers.
We want to purchase your other items at wholesale prices.

kazuhiko likes this translation
[deleted user]
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 14 Oct 2014 at 01:00
We've sent you a reply.
I await a reply from you.

We are negotiating with other dealer now.
We would like you to sell us your other items at the wholesale price.
kazuhiko likes this translation
[deleted user]
[deleted user]- about 10 years ago
[deleted user]
[deleted user]- about 10 years ago


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